was engaged in studying Holy Scripture, in consolidating Tradition, and in defending the chief doctrines of Christianity against paganism and heresy, and was cultivated principally by the official representatives of Tradition, the Bishops. The foundation having thus been securely laid, the work of the Mediæval theologians was to develop and systematize what had been handed down to them; and this work was carried on almost entirely in the cloisters and universities. Finally, Modern Theology has taken up the work of both of the foregoing epochs by defending the fundamental dogmas of Religion against modern agnostics and heretics, and at the same time carefully attending to the development of doctrine within the Church.
A.—The Patristic Epoch
Theology was not treated by the Fathers as one organic whole. They first enunciated Tradition and then interpreted Scripture. In this way, particular dogmas were often explained and proved at considerable length. Some approach to systematic treatment may, indeed, be found in their catechetical works; but the greater part of the Patristic writings, besides the commentaries on Holy Scripture, consists of treatises written against the different heresies of the day, and thus, without directly constructing a system, the Fathers provided ample materials in almost every department of theology. The struggle against Paganism and Manichæism gave rise to treatises on God, man, and creation; the doctrine of the Blessed Trinity was proved against the Arians and Macedonians; the Incarnation against the Nestorians and Eutychians; Grace and Sin were discussed with the Pelagians; the schism of the Donatists brought out the doctrine concerning the Constitution of the Church.
In the East the Fathers were occupied chiefly in discussing speculative questions, such as the Blessed Trinity and Incarnation, while the Western Church directed its attention more to the practical questions of Sin and Redemption, Grace and Free Will, and the Constitution of the Church. The Easterns, moreover, excelled both in