Page:ASUCI Constitution.pdf/1

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By the authority of The Regents of the University of California and the President of the University of California, the Chancellor of the University of California, Irvine, authorizes the establishment and continuation of the Associated Students, University of California, Irvine (ASUCI). As an official unit of the University, ASUCI exercises authorities concerning student affairs by delegations from The Regents, the President, and the Chancellor. ASUCI and all its activities are integral parts of the University.

Within this authority, we, the undergraduate students of the University of California, Irvine, by the authority of the Regents of the University of California and the Chancellor of this campus, and as an autonomous constituency of this university community; desire, through independent action, or in concert with other constituencies of this university community, to provide a forum for the expression of the student views and interests, encourage and maintain the freedom to pursue knowledge, encourage student academic rights and responsibilities, represent and articulate our rights to a voice in campus governance, to enhance the quality of student life, and foster recognition of the rights of students in this university community; and in order to fulfill these aspirations, do, hereby ordain and establish this constitution.



The name of the official undergraduate student government body shall be the Associated Students, University of California, Irvine, herein after referred to as ASUCI.



Section A

A voting member of ASUCI shall be defined as any registered undergraduate student having paid the established ASUCI fee.

Section B

All members of ASUCI shall be entitled to any privileges of that membership which include but are not limited to: voting in all ASUCI elections, seeking an ASUCI appointed office, participating in all ASUCI activities, and benefiting from all ASUCI services and programs.

Section C

As do all administrative units, ASUCI shall adhere to the UCI Campus Implementation of UC Policy of equal opportunity and non-discrimination. All members of ASUCI meeting the requirements herein after enumerated, are eligible and encouraged to seek, obtain, and hold office without discrimination or abridgment because of race, color, religion, marital status, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, economic status, political affiliation or physical abilities.