Page:ASUCI Constitution.pdf/11

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Section A

The Executive Director shall be the administrative head of ASUCI staff and shall be responsible for the direction of the general student activities and operations of ASUCI. He/she shall also be responsible to the Executive Cabinet for the proper and efficient operation of the auxiliary enterprises, and the employment of all personnel who support the ASUCI. All employees of ASUCI are employees of the University.

Section B

In accordance with University of California, Irvine Policies and Procedures, the approval of the job description and the selection of the Executive Director shall be the responsibility of the Executive Cabinet and the Vice Chancellor, Student Affairs or designee. The selection of the Executive Director shall be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all voting members of the Legislative Council. The appointment and termination authority for the Executive Director is the Vice Chancellor, Student Affairs. The term of office shall be indefinite. Termination shall be in accordance with University of California, Irvine Policies and Procedures. A three-quarters (3/4) vote of all voting members of the Legislative Council and a majority of the Executive Cabinet, shall be required to: (1) ask for the resignation of the Executive Director, and/or (2) issue a written, formal request to the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs, asking for the termination of the employment of the Executive Director.

Section C

The authority of the Executive Director shall include but is not limited to:

1. Serving as the official representative of ASUCI in all business and financial dealings;
2. Recommending to the Executive Cabinet, policies for the administration of ASUCI operations, staffing, facilities, and auxiliary enterprises;
3. Keeping a suitable system of accounts, records, and books for the ASUCI and its various activities, all of which shall be kept in standard form so that a true statement of ASUCI's financial status may be prepared at anytime;
4. Supervise all ASUCI employees in accordance with University of California Policies and Procedures;
5. Being responsible to provide, at reasonable notice, any information pertaining to the functioning of the ASUCI, upon the request of the Legislative Council or Executive Cabinet;
6. Supervising the collection and expenditures of all ASUCI moneys, in accordance with University of California Policies and Procedures;
7. Investing money in the name of ASUCI with the approval of the Executive Cabinet, in accordance with University of California Policies and Procedures;