Page:ASUCI Constitution.pdf/3

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for failure to perform the duties assigned the office and for failure to uphold this constitution and the By-laws;

5. Establishing stipends of elective or appointed officers, from ASUCI Treasury
6. Overriding an Executive Cabinet veto on any measure adopted by the Legislative Council, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Legislative Council members present (Any overriding of an Executive Cabinet veto shall be final and the measure immediately becomes legislation upon Judicial Board approval);
7. Establishing election procedures upon submittal by the Executive Vice-President or his/her appointed representative;
8. Submitting amendments to this constitution as herein provided;
9. Establishing ASUCI By-laws, ASUCI Elections Code, and the Judicial Board Policies and Procedures for the conduct of its business, each of which shall be subject to review and approval by the end of each academic year;
10. Establish standing or ad hoc committees, i.e. Rules, Finance, Public Information, Special Task Forces, to assist in any legislative recommendations.
11. Voting Legislative Council Members may receive remuneration equivalent to Commissioner Level I.

The duties of the Legislative Council shall be contained in the By-laws.

Section C

The Legislative Council membership shall be apportioned in the following manner:

1. Elected Membership: Three –quarter (3/4) of the elected members shall be elected by and from the Academic Units (degree granting unit) and shall be apportioned on the basis of the enrollment of each Academic Unit. Each Academic Unit shall be entitled to at least one representative. Academic Unit apportionment shall be as follows; undergraduate student enrollment of less than 2,000 shall entitle the Academic Unit to one representative, undergraduate enrollment of 2,000 but less than 4000 shall entitle the Academic Unit two representatives and undergraduate enrollment of 4,000 or greater shall entitle the Academic Unit to three representatives. One-fourth (1/4) of the total number of eligible seats shall be elected by and from the undergraduate students at-large. The number of at-large members shall equal one-third (1/3) that of the total members representing the Academic Units. Membership may vary with the undergraduate enrollment in the Academic Units and by the possible addition of new Academic Units.
2. Ex officio, non-voting membership:
a. President
b. Executive Vice-President
c. Academic Affairs Vice-President