Page:A Beacon to the Society of Friends.djvu/92

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That the way in which the doctrine of "the law written in the heart," as stated in these extracts, corresponds with the doctrine of Deists, may be shown by the following passage, extracted from the writings of Lord Herbert, of Cherbury, who was the first systematic writer on Deism.—"We come at the knowledge of divine things by innate ideas, or by having the law and rule of life written and engraven on our hearts, in such plain visible characters, that whoever looks into himself, will clearly discern the great principles and duties of religion, and the several obligations he thereby lies under to obedience." There can be no difficulty, therefore, in perceiving the deistical nature of the doctrine, as above stated. But it is of the utmost importance, that the Scriptural doctrine on this great subject, should be faithfully and explicitly upheld; and the perversion of the prophecy of Jeremiah, xxxi. 3, on which this false doctrine is built, should be laid open.

In considering this prophecy, "I will make a new covenant, &c.," which refers to the Gospel dispensation, several points should be taken into view.—

1st,—Whether, the figurative expression, "written on the heart," was not one with which the Jews were familiar?

2nd,—Whether, this expression was not intended to denote the affections being set on some particular object?

3rd,—Whether, by "the law written in the heart," is not intended the same law which the Holy Spirit reveals by the Scripture?

The following passages, taken in connection with