A, B, C, and D, 158.
A, B, C, tumble down D, 26.
A cat came fiddling out of a
barn, 21.
A diller, a dollar, 88.
A for the Ape, 161.
A good child, a good child, as I
suppose you be, 11.
A long-tailed pig or a short-
tailed pig, 40.
A man of words and not of
deeds, 147.
Apple-pie, pudding, and pan-
cake, 114.
Arthur O' Bower, 100.
As I was going to St. Ives, 125.
As I went through the garden
gap, 120.
As round as an apple, 114.
As soft as silk, 120.
As the days grow longer, 95,
A sunshiny shower, 93.
A swarm of bees in May, 95.
A was an Apple-pie, 157.
A was an Archer, 158.
Bah, bah, black sheep, 44.
Bat, bat, come under my hat, 5.
Bessy Bell and Mary Gray, 77.
Betty Pringle had a little pig, 40.
Birds of a feather, 155.
Black we are, but much ad-
mired, 118.
Black within and red with-
out 114.
Blow, wind, blow! 97.
Bobby Shaftoe's gone to sea,
Bounce Buckram, velvet 's dear,
"Bow, wow," says the dog. 20.
Bow-wow-wow! 26.
Bring the hoop and bring the
ball, 99.
Brow bender, 2.
Bryan O'Lin, 149.
Burnie Bee, Burnie Bee, 46.
Bye, baby Bunting, 16.
Charley wag, 57.
Cock a doodle doo! 80.
Cock crows in the morn, 89.
Cock Robin got up early, 27.
Come hither, sweet Robin, 32.
Come when you're called, 156.
Cross-patch, draw the latch, 56
Curly locks! curly locks, 76.
Cushy cow bonny, 35.
Daffy-down-dilly, 91.
Dame Trot and her cat, 24.
Dance, little baby, dance up
high, 7.
Dance, Thumbkin, dance, 4.
Dancy-diddlety-poppity-pin, 6
Dickery, dickery, dare, 40.