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Page:A Book of Nursery Rhymes.djvu/26

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[A finger play.]

There were two blackbirds
     Sitting on a hill,
The one was named Jack,
     The other named Jill;
Fly away, Jack!
Fly away, Jill!
Come again, Jack!
Come again, Jill!

Dance, Thumbkin, Dance,
[Keep the thumb in motion.
Dance, ye merrymen, every one;
[All the fingers in motion.
For Thumbkin, he can dance alone,
[The thumb only moving.
Thumbkin, he can dance alone,
Dance, Foreman, dance,
[The first finger moving.
Dance, ye merrymen, every one;
[The whole moving.
But Foreman, he can dance alone,
Foreman, he can dance alone.

And so on with the others—naming the second finger "Longman." the third finger "Ringman." and the fourth finger "Littleman." Littleman cannot dance alone.