narrow ravine, both of which were stockaded. The lower village contained seventy-one and the upper seventy houses. The Rees came out to meet the soldiers, but were soon driven back to the inclosure of the towns, where they were at once attacked by the military. Pilcher had a howitzer, which with Leavenworth's cannon made three large guns for the siege. Two of these guns were planted before the lower town, and the other one on a hill
Siege of the Ree Towns; Disposition of Leavenworth's Forces
back of the upper town. They kept up an intermittent fire upon the town for two days, when the Rees came out and begged for terms.
Assuming that they had been severely punished, Leavenworth told them that if they would restore the goods, or an equivalent in horses and furs for the goods and horses taken from Ashley, everything would be forgiven. This they promised to do, and they did bring out a few robes;