Page:A Brief History of the Indian Peoples.djvu/252

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248 INDEX. Jats, descendants of the ancient Scy- thians in the Punjab, 91. Jaunpur, independent Muhammadan State (1393-1478), 130. Java conquered by the English, 200. Jaziah or poll-tax on non-Musal- mans, abolished by Akbar, 1 36 ; re-imposed by Aurangzeb, 148. Jhansi, State of, annexed, as lapsed to the Company (1S53), 218; Rani of, killed in the Mutiny (1858), 227. Jodhpur. conquered by Akbar, 135 ; becomes independent, 151. Juangs, a leaf-wearing aboriginal tribe in Orissa, 44. Jumna Canal, made by Firuz Shah Tughlak, 126. Jumna river, 23. Kabir, Vishnuite religious reformer (1380-1420), 104, 105. Kabul seized by Babar (1504), 132 ; lost but reconquered by Humayiin, 133; ruled by Akbar, 139; lost by the Mughals (1738), 152; Ahmad Shah's dynasty at, 209 ; occupied by the English (1839), 210 ; taken by Pollock and Nott (1842), an, 212 ; murder of Ca- vagnari at (1879), 233 ; aban- doned by the English (1881), 234. Kaders, a hunting hill tribe in Madras, 42. Kafur, Malik, his expeditions through Southern India, 122, 127; mur- dered by Khusru, 123. Kaimur range, 28. Kali, hideous form of Siva's wife, 101. Kalidasa, Hindu poet and dramatist, 7i- Kalinjar, Sher Shah killed at (1545), Kanauj attacked by Mahmud of Ghazni, 114; Hindu kingdom of, overthrown by Muhammad of Ghor, 116-118. Kandahar taken by Akbar (1594), 136; lost by Shah Jahan (1653), 142 ; a capital of Ahmad Shah, 209 ; taken by the English (1839), 210 ; Ayiib Khan defeated at (1880), 234. Kandhs, aboriginal hill tribe in Orissa, 47-49 ; patriarchal go- vernment, 47 ; wars and punish- ments, 47, 48 ; agriculture, 48 ; marriage by ' capture,' 48 ; serfs of the Kandh villages, 48 ; re- ligion, human sacrifice, 49 ; the Kandhs under British rale, 49. Kanishka, Buddhist king in North- western India (40 A. D.), his Bud- dhist Conncil, 79, 80; his reign, 90, 91. Karauli, Native State, not annexed under doctrine of lapse, 218. Karim, Pindari leader, 203. Karma, the Buddhist law of, 76, 77. Karnatik, Malik Kafur invaded the, 122; French and English wars in the, 177-179; ravaged by Haidar Ali, 191. Kashmir invaded by Mahmud of Ghazni, 114 ; ruled by Aurangzeb, 150; conquered by Ranjit Smgh, 213. Kasim, his campaign in Sind (712«  14), no, in. Kasimbazar, early European fac- tories at, 179, 180. Kaveri river, 29. Khaibar, mountain pass in the Hima- layas from Peshawar to Afghanis- tan, 19; both ends held by the Afghans under Subuktigin, 113; forced by the English (1879), 233- Khandesh, the Bhils in, 43 ; invaded by Malik Kafur (1306), 122 ; con- quered by Akbar, 137. Khilji dynasty of kings of Delhi (1290-1320), 1 21-124. Kbusrii, last of Mahmud of Ghazni's descendants, defeated, 116. Khusru Khan, renegade Hindu king of the Khilji dynasty (1316-20), 123, 124. Kilpatrick, Maj., money received by, after Plassey, 182. Kirki, battle of (1817), 203. Kistna river, 29. Kolarians, non- Aryan or aboriginal tribes in Bengal and Central India, 49-, Kolhapur, Native State ruled by a representative of Sivaji, 158. Kbning, Henry, founded Swedish East India Company (1731), 174,