Camilo knitted his brow and then continued:
"I'll leave up things to your discretion. For that depends upon what you see there—your impressions and personal likings. I reserve that matter for your own judgment. Come! Let us rush and be ready. Early birds catch worms! Isn't?..."
"Certainly! So I'll just hold myself ready."
After talking about their preparations and what so many promises the journey held for them, Lucio departed and went home, happy and expectant. But while on the way, he discussed the whole situation in his mind. A smile curled on his lips, which foretold that he was satisfied, and his heart leaped with happy expectations.
As soon as he reached home and finished cooking dinner—boiled rice and roasted fish and fried meat—he paced up and down the kitchen singing in his mellow voice that famous, romantic song of bonnie "Annie Laurie:"