meant that he loved her-loved her with all his heart. and to the bottom of his soul-loved her all his life, and would go with her to the end of the world-for she would make him happy and he would love her forever.
"I do not know how to say how I love you, but this love bids me to offer you all my heart, my life, and my soul!" Then he continued, "Rosa, may I expect your answer if possible tomorrow?... Will you?"
No answer escaped her lips, again he pleaded, "Tomorrow, will you decide?"
She looked at him, she paused, and then lifted up her head in taking up her pitcher from Lucio's hands, for she could not go home without that dear earthern pitcher, and, what is more, without water!
Then, shyly she guarded silence, and lowered her eyes again. O how lovely was the virgin of the meadows! However, her lips uttered not a single word.
He looked at her, and oh, those sweet eyes and blushing face, what a thousand feelings they said! And: she agily went away-even spilling her water-with the last words of Lucio engraved in her heart-"I love you, Rosa."
The words tingled and produced a fine sound-like the sound of bells in her ears and her heart responded wildly, but she was coy and unassuming, for she was one of those angels of her sex who are simple. pure, artless women. The thought burned in her mind-it always reminded her-and that meeting aroused