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THE FEARSOME ISLAND; being a Modern rendering of the narrative of one Silas Fordred, Master Mariner of Hythe, whose shipwreck and subsequent adventures are herein set forth. Also an appendix accounting in a rational manner for the seeming marvels that Silas Fordred encountered during his sojourn on the fearsome island of Don Diego Rodriguez. With a cover designed by Frank Hazenplug. 16mo. $1.25.


EPISCOPO AND COMPANY. Translated by Myrta Leonora Jones. 16mo. $1.25.

Gabriele d'Annunzio is the best known and most gifted of modern Italian novelists. His work is making a great sensation at present in all literary circles. The translation now offered gives the first opportunity English-speaking readers have had to know him in their own language.


A CHILD OF THE JAGO; a novel of the East End of London, by the author of "Tales of Mean Streets." 12mo. $1.50.

Mr. Morrison is recognized the world over as the most capable man at slum life stories. His "Tales of Mean Streets" was one of the best received books of 1894-95, and the present volume has occupied his time ever since. It is of great force and continuous interest; a book that, once begun, must be finished, and one that will figure as a sensation for a long time to come.