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THE CARISSIMA; a novel, by the author of "The Wages of Sin." 12mo. $1.50.

Few people will have difficulty in remembering the profound sensation which the publication of "The Wages of Sin" caused some six years ago. Since that time Lucas Malet has published no serious work, and the present volume therefore, represents her best. It is a novel of intense and continued interest, and will claim a prominent place among the books of the season.




"The cleverness of this periodical has always amply justified its existence but the careless reader, who has never taken it seriously, will be surprised to find on turning over the leaves of this volume how very much more than merely clever it is. It contains examples of some of the strongest work that is now being done in letters. It represents the best tendencies of the younger writers of the day, and, seen in bulk, even its freaks and excentricities are shown to be representative of their sort, and are present in it because they are representative, and not because they are freakish."—St. Paul Globe.

Price, 10 Cents. $2.00 A Year.

Published by HERBERT S. STONE & CO., Chicago.