Page:A Chinese Biographical Dictionary.djvu/1040

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Corrigenda et Addenda 1021

N«. 803. For "6th cent." read "7th cent." „ 841. After "B. C." insert "Ruled." „ 844. For "Tan" read "Tan." „ 846. Add "Oaen spoken of as f) J| jjg^ ." Page 355, line 4. For "Kao Chih" read "Chu Kao-ohih." N°. 935. Add "A native of ^ ^^ Usin-ts^ai in Honan, who rose to high rank under Wang Tao. After the death of his father, his jealous mother buried a late favourite concubine alive in the family vault. Ten years later, when the mother died and the vault was opened, the girl was found to be still living. Author of the ^> gQ Annals of the Chin Dynasty,** Page 360, line 9. For "Gradus etc." read "a Concordance to literature." N«. 952. Stone Nation = Tashkend. „ 956. For "762" read "763;" for "Kueichou" read "Honan." „ 980. Also known as SB ^ .

„ ^^* I^or i|j^ ^ read ^ i|j^. Dele "resigning in 1897."

„ 1020. Add "Died 1897."

„ 1021. For "Chins" read "Ch'ins."

„ 1027. Substitute "B. C. 67— A. D. 11."

„ 1033. For "36" read "37."

„ 1037. Substitute "Died B. C. 44."

„ 1044. For "see K'ung ChH'* read "see K^'ung Mu-chinr

„ 1058. For "977" read *'979."

„ 1064. For "1691" read "1700." Page 418. Insert "Lee Boo or Lew Buah. See Lii Wto-ehing." N«. 1141 and 1209. For "T6" read "Tft." N**. 1148. Add "His i-eal name was ^^ Chi. He was adopted by a man

named ^» Li. His wife's maiden name was also' Li, and conse- quently she was ^5 ^fe ^ , „ 1159. For "125" read "119;" for "140" read *429." „ 1164. For "Kuei" read "K\iei." Page 460. Insert " Li Shih-chdn ^ ^ 3^ (T. ^1^- H. ^ ^ ). 16th cent. A. D. A native of Ch^-chou in Hupeh, who devoted himself to the study of medicine and completed in 1578, after 26 years* labour, the famous Materia Medica known as the jjSi ^^

N». 1211. For ^ read ^. „ 1221. For "806" read "846." „ 1244. For "981" read "985." „ 1255. His personal name was ^^ DH . Hsi-chung was his style.