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A Chinese Biographical Dictionary

Liang Chi, but lost his favour by warmly espousing the cause of Li Eu. Upon being dismissed to au unimportant post, he retired from ofiBce and died at the age of ninety-eight.

2857 Wu Tli ^ ;^ (T. tJ^ :^). Died A.D. 1155. A native of Chien-an in Fuhkien, who graduated as chin shih in 1124 and entered the public service. He was the author of the ||^ ^ ^ ^ , an exegetical work on the Analects of Confucius; of the ^ ^ ^ ^j a treatise on the sounds and orthography of the Odes; and also of the -^ ^, in which he attempted to restore the original sounds to the characten in ancient poetry. The latter was adopted by Chu Hsi as guide to the sounds of rhyming characters in his edition of the Odes,

2858 Wu Yuan or Wu Ttln ^ ^ (T. ^ ^ ). 5th and 6th ceni B.C. A native of the Ch'u State, whose &ther and elder brother were put to death by ^ ^ Prince P^ng. He himself fled to the Wu State. On his way thither he stopped by a river to drink and asked a maiden for something to eat. She gave him food and then disappeared in the water. Later on, when he had made a position for himself, Wu TtUin came back and threw some gold pieces into the river as payment to his mysterious benefiMstress. Reaching the Wu State he took service under Prince ^ Liao, whom he urged to an expedition against Ch*u. Meanwhile the young Prince ^ Euang slew Prince Liao, and took the throne, under the title of Prince Ho-lu (see Chman Chu). He and Wu Yttan proceeded to attack Oh^u and drove into exile the then reigning Prince jjj^ Chao« who had succeeded Wu Ytian*s old enemy. Prince Ping. The latter*3 grave was opened and his corpse was publicly flowed. The OhSn State then came to the rescue and the army of Wn MiphI. The next step was to attack the Ytieh State; but Prince Ho^ltt's txvx^ps were badly beaten at the battle of |Efr)|^ Eu-sn, and he himself was wounded in the finger, of which wound lie difKt He was succeeded by Pu Ch^ai who became somewhat estmoged