- 規1
- Compasses; a rule; custom; to rule; regulate; to play.
- 窺1
- To spy; look; peep out of a cavern.
- 闚1
- To peep out at a door; to spy; observe narrowly.
- 歸1
- To return; go back; to attach one's self to; to send back.
- 鬼2
- Spirit of a dead man; ghost; demon; devil.
- 傀2
- Great; excellent; extraordinary; strange.
- 憒-3
- Disquietude of mind; stupidity of sickness.
- 潰-3
- Opposing currents clashing; in disorder; enraged.
- 瞶-3
- To glance hastily; a dull eye; without a pupil.
- 蕢-3
- Name of a vegetable; a clod of earth; utensil made of straw.
- 饋-3
- Food; to prepare food; to offer it to superiors; to present to.
- 跪-3
- To kneel as in worship.
- 桂3-
- Name of a medicine; the laurus cassia.
- 癸3-
- The last of the ten astronomical characters in the cycle.
- 季3-
- Young; small; slender; the last of a series.
- 貴3-
- Lofty; noble; costly; desirable valuable.
- 撅-1
- To lift up the garments when fording water.
- 蹶-1
- To walk fast; speedy motion; stumble; to step.
- 揆-1
- To guess; conjecture; to examine; conclude.
- 暌-1
- In opposition to; over against; distant.
- 睽-1
- To stare; look with displeasure; cast down.
- 葵-1
- The malva or mallows; a variety of the hibiscus.
- 騤-1
- A majestic horse; strong; violent; indefatigable.
- 馗-1逵-1
- The cheek or jaw bones; a road diverging in nine direction.
- 虧1
- Failure; deficiency; diminution; to injure; give trouble.
- 開1
- To open; unfold; spread open.
- 宄2
- Traitorous plots formed by external banditti.
- 軌2
- The rut of a wheel; a law; rule.
- 詭2
- To reprimand; to deceive; impose upon; perverse.
- 晷2
- A dial; a gnomon to show the sun's declination.
- 簋2
- A square vessel to contain grain used in sacrifice.
- 愧-4
- Shame; ashamed; abashen.