- 蛞4
- Name of an insect.
- 擴4
- To stretch out; enlarge; to pound; beat.
- 觀1
- To look; observe; to manifest; external appearance.
- 鰥1
- A large fish; a bachelor; widower; few.
- 祼1
- To pour out an oblation; to pour out wine for a guest.
- 關1
- To bar a door; fasten; a bolt; a limit; consequence; a custom house.
- 冠1
- A cap.
- 管2
- A rule; control; guide; writing; a pencil; reed.
- 倌2
- A charioteer; inferior officer.
- 菅2
- Rushes and reeds fit for making mats and thatch.
- 館2舘2
- An inn; public hall; exchange; school; to lodge.
- 逭2
- To exchange; turn pace; walk; go or run; away.
- 捲2
- Robust; the fist; to roll up.
- 綣2
- To bind as with a silk cord; strong attachment.
- 盥2
- To wash the hands; to wash in a tub.
- 倦-3
- To desist from labor; idle; fatigue; lassitude.
- 貫3-
- To connect or string together; to pass through; involve.
- 慣3-
- Accustomed to; practiced in; having had experience of.
- 冠3-
- To cap or put a cap on the head, as at the age of twenty.
- 券3-
- A. bond; deed of contract; a check; evidence.
- 眷3-
- To look to with regard; a family; near relation.
- 慻3-
- To turn round and look back.
- 惓3-
- Diligent; earnest; serious; mournful; to desist.
- 灌3-
- To flow to one place; to drink; pour out a libation; growing.
- 爟3-
- To kindle fire; to heat; fire flaming up; a fireman.
- 礶3-罐3-
- A jar; mug; vessel for water; wine or oil; a tea caddy.
- 鸛3-
- A certain water fowl which sings at the approach of rain.
- 權-1
- Power; authority; circumstances which influence on.
- 寛1
- Broad; large; easy; generous; forgiving; to enlarge.
- 圈1
- A coop or pen; a prison; a small circle; to encircle.
- 款2欵2
- Sincerely; affectionate; singleness of intention; to seek.