- 艦2
- A ship of war so built as to defend those within.
- 懢-3
- Greedy; voracious; ardent desire; robust.
- 濫-3
- An overflowing; excess; to exceed due bounds.
Lán or Nán.
- 闌-1
- A screen for a door or carriage; a railing; obscured.
- 攔-1
- To stop or intercept with hand; to prevent approach.
- 欄-1
- Balusters or railing; railing to confine animals.
- 瀾-1
- Streams flowing together and running in a continued course.
- 蘭-1㘓-1
- Name of a fragrant plant, the class Gynandria.
- 躝-1
- To leap or pass over; to surpass.
- 難-1
- Difficult; troublesome.
- 零-1
- Residue; fragments; odd numbers; what is over.
- 鱗-1
- Scales of fishes.
- 懶2
- Sleepy; remiss; idle; weak.
- 赧-2
- To redden in the face; blush; ashamed; bashful.
- 爛-3
- Boiled or roasted excessively; torn; to tear; bright.
- 難-3
- Calamity; distress; to inflict suffering; difficult.
- 浪-1
- A wave; waves of the sea; unsettled; profligate.
- 狼-1
- A wolf; cruel; abundant.
- 稂-1
- Name of a plant; a tare.
- 廊-1
- Small rooms on the sides of large houses.
- 䱶-1
- The male crab.
- 礱-1
- To rub; grind corn or sharpen tools; to use effort; a stone.
- 籠-1
- A basket; cage; quiver; to heard up and monopolize.
- 聾-1
- Deaf.
- 癑-1
- Pain; disease.
- 膿-1
- Ulcerous matter; pus.
- 曩2
- In former times; formerly; the other day.
- 囊2
- A bag; sack; to hold in a bag.
- 攮2
- To advance, or push forward violently.
- 朗-3
- Clear; bright; lofty; to solicit; to fill by force.
- 琅-3
- A certain valuable stone.
- 蜋-3
- Name of an insect; ineffectual effort.