- 鑪-1
- A furnace; a vase for incense; a wine vessel.
- 鱸-1
- Name of a fish.
- 陋-3
- Low; vulgar; obscure; petty; a narrow, dirty lane.
- 路3
- A path; road; passage; means; opportunity; way.
- 露3
- Dew, vapors in the night; genial dews.
- 露3-
- To disclose; divulge; come to light.
- 罹-1
- Mournful; sorry; to occur; meet with.
- 羅-1
- A net for taking birds; a species of silk; to arrange.
- 儸-1
- Superior ability in the management of affairs.
- 囉-1
- A tone in singing; prattle of a child; troublesome.
- 蘿-1
- Creeping vines which entwine old trees.
- 鑼-1
- A gong.
- 螺-1
- A shellfish of the spiral form; a pearly snail.
- 騾-1
- A mule.
- 裸2
- Naked; an inn.
- 顆2
- A small bead; a numeral of beads, gems &c.
- 惱2
- Something that vexes or disturbs; indignation.
- 瑙2
- Carnelian stone.
- 裹2
- To wrap up; bandaged; bundled up.
- 落-3
- To fall; let fall; put down; a residence.
- 腦2
- Marrow, brains.
- 駱-4
- A white horse with a black mane; a camel.
- 犖-4
- A speckled cow; easily distinguished; to excel.
- 犂-1
- To plough; a plough.
- 禮2
- Ceremony; rite; propriety; decorum; what is becoming.
- 翏-4
- To fly high.
- 勠-4
- United strength and effort.
- 戮-4
- To kill; slay; to cut in pieces; mangle; disgrace.
- 蓼-4
- Long; large; mutually drawing each other.
- 洛-4
- Dazzling glare of water.
- 烙-4
- To burn; a red hot iron point.
- 絡-4
- Thread of hemp or silk; the blood vessels; a net.
- 酪-4
- Cream; the fat of milk.