- 勉2
- To endeavor; use effort; to force one's self to do; to persuade; stimulate.
- 娩2㝃2
- To bring forth offspring; parturition.
- 晚2
- A crown.
- 浼2
- An extensive sheet of water; exhausted; destroyed.
- 敏2
- Clearness and quickness of perception; respectful.
- 民-1
- A people; the common people.
- 泯-1
- To destroy; drown; perish.
- 眠-1
- To shut the eyes; confused; bewildered.
- 緡-1
- A fish line; a line or cord; a string of coin.
- 氓-1
- People who leave their own country and become naturalized to another.
- 面3-
- The face; face to face; front; towards.
- 玅-1
- Small; minute; abstruse.
- 藟-1
- The first budding forth of a plant; sprouts; progeny.
- 錨-1
- An anchor.
- 猫-1
- A cat.
- 杪2
- The highest point of a tree; tips of the branches/
- 渺2
- White; glittering; vast; indistinct.
- 緲2
- Fine flowing; applied to style.
- 藐2
- Small; to esteem small; despise; contemptuous.
- 邈2
- Remote; to look at in a distant manner; contempt.
- 杳2
- Distant; obscure; profound; setting sun.
- 烕-4
- To consume; destroy, as by fire.
- 滅-4
- To consume; exterminate; cut off; extinguish.
- 宓-4
- To stop; rest; repose; stillness; silent; secret.
- 蜜-4
- Honey; sweet; flattering.
- 陌-4
- A raised path between two fields; a road.
- 覓-4
- To search; enquire after; seek for what is not seen.
- 牟-1
- To advance; encroach upon; invade; seize.
- 侔-1
- Equal to; of the same rank or class; even.
- 眸-1
- The pupil of the eye; the eye.
- 麰-1
- Barley.