- 哦-1
- To recite; the tone of recitative.
- 娥-1
- Good; a name.
- 峨-1
- High; lofty.
- 莪-1
- Name of an edible plant.
- 蛾-1
- A silkworm; an insect.
- 虞-1
- To consider; weigh; anxious thought; impediment.
- 圄-1
- To detail; hold fast; to imprison; a prison.
- 梧-1
- Name of a remarkable tree.
- 悟-3
- To arouse or awaken the mind; to notice; perceive.
- 晤-3
- Light; bright; to meet or speak together; explain.
- 寤-3
- To awake from sleep; talking; to dream.
- 寓-3
- A temporary lodging; to lodge; to pertain to.
- 遇-3
- To meet unexpectedly; to occur; to happen.
- 危-1
- Dangerous; situated on an eminence; ready to fall; danger.
- 峗-1嵬-1
- Hilly; mountainous; danger.
- 巍-1
- High; lofty; name of a kingdom.
- 僞-3
- False; counterfeit; not. genuine; fraudulent.
- 詭-3
- To reprimand; deceive; impose upon.
- 銀-1
- Silver; money; metal.
- 誾-1
- Cordial; respectful; upright; to debate in good temper.
- 嚚-1
- Simple; stupid; silly; false.
- 吃4
- To stammer; stutter; eat; swallow.
- 屹4
- A hill standing alone; a firm martial appearance.
- 汔4
- Water dried up; how? nearly.
- 矻4
- Constant and severe labor; determined effort.
- 䇄4
- To stand erect.
- 訖4
- To come to a close; stop; finish; finished; closed; wound up.
- 迄4
- To reach or extend to; finally; at last.
- 齕4
- To bite or gnaw with the teeth; to eat.
- 兀4
- High and level at the top; to cut off the feet.
- 元-1
- The first cause; origin; commencement; the first; the chief.