- 便-1
- Continuous talking.
- 扁2
- A tablet with an inscription; flat.
- 片3-
- A splinter; fragment; a bit; a slip; to divide; judge.
- 騙3-
- To mount a horse; to cheat; deceive; take advantage of.
- 別-4
- To divide; separate; distinguish.
- 畢-4
- The end; at last; finally.
- 賓1
- A guest; a visitor; to receive a visitor.
- 儐1
- To accompany; to receive a guest with due ceremony; to pay respect to.
- 嬪1
- A woman; a beautiful woman; a deceased wife.
- 擯1
- To expel; reject; an envoy; to receive a national visitor.
- 濱1
- The margin of a river, lake or sea; contiguous; near.
- 繽1
- Numerous; crowded; mixed; variegated; in confusion.
- 鑌1
- Refined steel suitable for knives or swords.
- 邠1
- Name of a province or state.
- 斌1彬1
- A due mixture of plainness and ornament.
- 豳1
- Name of an ancient state.
- 品2
- A series; rank; class; actions; conduct; to arrange; a thing.
- 禀2
- To give; confer; receive; receive what is conferred; to state before a superior.
- 殯3-
- To perform funeral rites; to inter.
- 𩯭3-
- The hair on the temples.
- 遍3-
- See Pien
- 笓3-
- A comb; a bamboo rake; to lead; draw.
- 屛-1
- A screen inside a door; to screen; cover; reject.
- 缾-1
- A pitcher or other utensil for containing wine.
- 貧-1
- Indigent; poor.
- 頻-1
- Urgent; pressing; precipitate; uninterrupted; continually.
- 嚬-1
- To contract the eyebrows, as in smiling, anger or sorrow.
- 蘋-1
- Name of a plant which grows on the surface of water.
- 顰-1
- To frown; contract the eyebrows.
- 㰋2
- The apple-tree.
- 牝2
- Female; the female organ of generation.
- 砭2
- A stone needle; to probe; to probe.
- 貶2
- To censure; blame; detract from; injure.