- 補-2
- To repair; mend; make up a deficiency; to strengthen.
- 斧2
- An axe; hatchet.
- 部-3
- A genus; tribe; a book or set of books; a council; public court; board of officers.
- 步3
- A pace; a step; to travel; walk; go on foot.
- 布3-
- Cotton or linen cloth; to spread out or abroad; diffuse.
- 鋪-1
- To spread out; arrange; a bed or table; a shop or store.
- 甫2
- To spread or extend everywhere; eminent; to begin.
- 匍2
- To go; creep on the hand & feet; crawl; strive to attain.
- 圃2
- A garden; orchard; cultivated field.
- 浦2
- Small streams; a creek or inlet.
- 莆2
- Name of a plant; the sword plant.
- 溥2
- Large; great; pervading everywhere; to spread aboard; proclaim.
- 普2
- Universally pervading; everywhere; great; uniform.
- 譜2
- A list; genealogy; biography; to write out a list; to arrange.
- 剖2
- To divide; split asunder in the middle; break open.
- 簿-3
- A register; account or memoranda book; a badge of office.
- 舖3-
- A shop; a store where things are sold.
- 玻1
- A vitreous substance; glass; a gem.
- 波1
- Waves; water agitated by the wind; glossy; bright.
- 菠1
- Name of a fruit or vegetable.
- 陂1
- Uneven; not level.
- 保2
- To feed; nourish; protect; to be surety for; to sustain.
- 堡2
- A station for defence; a citadel; military post.
- 葆2
- Luxuriant herbage; to shade; cover; tranquil.
- 褓2
- A cloth to wrap up children or to carry them on the murse's back.
- 寳2
- A gem; precious; felicitous; a national seal.
- 報3-
- To reward; requite; a recompense; to inform.
- 薄-4
- Thin; slight; poor; bad; poor treatment; to despise.
- 泊-4
- The glare of water; a small wave; to anchor by the shore or in a bay.
- 駁4
- Particolored; diverse; to contradict; dispute.
- 坡1
- A bank; declivity; hill; mound; steep.
- 頗2
- Uneven; inclined to one side; in a small degree; rather.