- 餔1
- To feed; supply with food; dinner.
- 哺-3
- To feed; put food into one's mouth; to nurse.
- 佈-3
- To extend; extensive; filling the whole space.
- 怖-3
- Afraid; alarmed; to cause fear.
- 富-3
- Wealthy; rich; great possessions.
- 浮-1
- To float; to flow along with the stream; excess; light.
- 菩-1
- Grass; herbage; thatch.
- 蔔-1
- The grape.
- 蒲-1
- A species of water-rush of which mats are made.
- 簠-1
- A round basket for grain.
- 播3-
- To sow; scatter; disseminate.
- 簸3-
- A sieve for throwing up and winnowing grain.
- 鉢4
- A priest's rice dish; what is transferred from one to another.
- 婆-1
- A designation of women, especially aged mothers.
- 破3-
- Rent; broken; defeated; ruined; to break; defeat.
- 剖3-
- To divide in the middle; split asunder; break open.
- 潑4
- To throw forth or sprinkle water; a shower; rain.
- 盤-1
- A tub-like vessel; a bathing tub; rice vessel; plate.
- 般1
- A manner; class; way; fashion.
- 搬1
- To put away; remove; transfer; pass over.
- 半3-
- The half of anything; to divide in the middle.
- 潘-1
- The dregs or washings of rice; dirty spots on the face.
- 伴-3
- An associate; fellow; companion; to accompany.
- 賠-1
- To make up a deficiency or loss; to restore; repay.
- 陪-1
- To accompany; attach to; assist; to second.
- 飛1
- To fly; to go or do with speed.
- 杯1盃1
- A wine cup; a drinking cup.
- 倍-3
- To increase double; two-fold; to oppose; low; vicious.
- 焙-3
- To dry by the fire; to hatch eggs by the fire.
- 裴-3
- Long garments or robes.
- 佩-3
- Things attached to the girdle; to attach; to gird.