- 惜-4
- Regard or affection for; to compassionate; pity; sparing.
- 常-1
- Constant; usual; common; frequently; the five virtues.
- 嘗-1
- To taste; assay.
- 償-1
- To pay for; recompence; to revenge; to reply to.
- 傷1
- To wound; injure; grieve; grieved; injured.
- 廂1
- Side apartments; bed-rooms; rooms for females.
- 箱1
- A box; chest; bamboo basket; a store-room.
- 賞2
- To confer; bestow as a largess; to reward; a reward.
- 想-3
- To think; consider; muse; expect; desire; a thought.
- 像3-
- A likeness; image.
- 鞘3-
- A scabbard; image.
- 墠-1
- A place for sacrifice; a level place at the foot of the alter; wild or common ground.
- 嬋-1
- Elegance or beauty of motion; beautiful.
- 蟬-1
- An insect of the cricket kind; poison.
- 禪-1
- To resign; to transfer; meditation; abstraction; sacrifice to heaven.
- 仙1
- Genii of mountains and hills; demigods.
- 珊1
- Coral; gems.
- 僊1
- Deathless; immortal.
- 銑2
- Metal which is burnished and glossy; a small chisel.
- 哂2
- To smile; to laugh at.
- 癬2
- Ringworms; a scab which spreads over the skin.
- 矧2
- To stretch still more; still more; how much more.
- 善-3
- Good; excellent; virtuous; felicitous; dexterous; benevolent.
- 繕-3
- To repair; put in order; to provide; to write out.
- 膳-3
- The flesh of victims; good food duly prepared.
- 腎-3
- The kidneys; to lead; to induce.
- 擅-3
- To assume; usurp; to take or do without right or authority.
- 設4
- To arrange; establish; institute; to suppose.
- 紲4絏4
- To tie; bind; fasten with cords; bonds; a bridle.
- 褻4
- Rags; defiled; to defile; to treat with contempt; to insult.
- 諶-1
- True; sincere; truth; sincerity.
- 忱-1
- Sincere; true; devoted.
- 心1
- The heart; mind; affections; intention; motive.