- 鶉-1
- A species of quail.
- 孫1
- A grandchild; remote descendants; posterity.
- 猻1
- An animal of the monkey species.
- 飱1
- An evening meal; flour and water mixed; dressed food.
- 損2
- To diminish; injure; spoil; lose; give up.
- 筍2笋2
- Young shoots of bamboo fit to be eaten; a sprout; a tenon.
- 順-3
- To obey; yield; comply; prosperous; harmonizing.
- 巽3-
- Humble; to select; a character used in divination.
- 孫3-遜3-
- Complaisant; retiring; humble; yielding.
- 舜3-
- A Chinese king who lived B.C.2100; sage; benevolent.
- 瞬3-
- The twinkling of an eye; an instant.
- 酸1
- Sour; debility; loitering.
- 霜1
- Hoar frost; frigid; cold; grave; stern.
- 孀1
- Widow; solitary.
- 喪1
- To mourn for the dead; mourning; to lose; to die.
- 桑1
- The mulberry tree.
- 耍2
- To play; sport; amuse; to trifle with; seduce.
- 算3-
- To reckon; to calculate; count; the abaccus.
- 蒜3-
- Garlic; a kind of small onions.
- 術-4
- A path; a way of doing anything; a rule; an art; a scheme.
- 述-4
- To narrate; rehearse; to collect, arrange and publish.
- 恤4卹4
- Compassion; to pity; to have a tender care for.
- 戌4
- A horary character for the ninth moon; also for from 7 to 9 o'clock P.M.
- 銊4
- The noise made by a saw; to saw.
- 師4
- To lead or head an army; to lead.
- 蓑1
- A mango.
- 沓-4
- Reiterated; sound of dropping water; backbiting; rash.
- 踏-4
- To tread upon; to beat on the ground with the foot.
- 搭4
- A thimble; to cover; add to; build up; to feel; rub; take passage; commit to.
- 他1
- He; she; it; him; her; that; other; another.
- 叠-4
- To pile one above another.