- 長1
- Long; aged; elevated; to grow; increase.
- 丈-3
- Father-in-law; uncle; an aged person.
- 帳3-
- Curtain; to spread out; a tent.
- 脹3-
- Swelling of the abdomen.
- 賬3-
- To draw out accounts; reckon up; an account book.
- 漲3-
- Water extending and rising; higher; an inundation.
- 釣3-
- To catch fish with a hook.
- 顚1
- The vertex; head; forehead; subverted; cast down; insanity.
- 癲1
- Insanity; frantic; convulsions; fits.
- 珍1
- Valuable; precious; excellent.
- 典2
- A standard classical work; cannon; to rule; confer benefits; dictionary.
- 腆2
- Much; many; abundant; good.
- 靦2
- A bashful appearance; abashed.
- 展2
- To unroll; spread out; inspect; sincere; agreeable.
- 輾2
- To turn round as a wheel.
- 殿-3
- A large hall; fixed; the rear of an army.
- 簟-3
- Mats made of bamboo.
- 墊-3
- To put down; to sink; to pay down money; a cushion.
- 電-3
- Lightning.
- 奠-3
- Fixed; lofty; to discriminate; to present or offer up.
- 甸-3
- Space of 500 li about the court; divisions of land; to cultivate.
- 畋-1
- The level field; to till the ground; to hunt.
- 鈿-1
- Golden ornaments of a lady's head-dress.
- 塡-1
- To fill up; make up deficiency; pay a debt; to stop up.
- 廛-1
- A shop where people buy and sell.
- 纏-1
- To wind round; tie; bind; wrap with silk.
- 天1
- Heaven.
- 姪-4
- A nephew or niece.
- 垤4
- High land; a hillock; an ant's hill.
- 桎4
- Fetters; bonds; to stop; to pierce.
- 窒4
- To stop or close up; fill; impede.
- 絰4
- Pieces of white cloth worn in mourning.
- 耋4
- A person eight years of age.