- 貂1鼦1
- An animal of the mus species with fur.
- 齠1
- A period in which children change their teeth.
- 召-3
- To call with authority; to summon; call.
- 兆-3
- A tortoise shell used in divination; an omen; a mound or grave; a million.
- 𢎨3-吊3-
- To mourn for the dead; wounded in the feelings.
- 調-1
- To mix; adjust in due proportions; to regulate; to nurse.
- 超1
- To steep lightly; trip; leap over; surpass; excel; promote.
- 迢1
- Removed far off; lofty.
- 佻1
- Slender; weak; to steal; levity; slow; servile.
- 眺1
- To look aslant; look at a distance; to peep.
- 祧1
- Ancestral temples or tablets.
- 誂1
- To call or whisper to; to seduce; allure; seduction.
- 窕2
- Deep; profound; retired; elegant; delicate.
- 柱-3
- A post; pillar; to sustan; support.
- 跳3-
- To walk; to leap; skip; dance; to overpass.
- 畜4
- Domestic animals; to feed; to endure; to obey.
- 慉4
- To nourish; to induce; proud; to dislike; hate.
- 蓄4
- To acumulate; hoard up; to nourish; breed; bring up.
- 直-4
- Straight; correct; strict; just; directly.
- 得4
- Successful; to succeed; to attain; obtain; can.
- 細-1
- To select; take from; draw out; silk.
- 裯-1
- A covering for a bed; bed curtains; a single garment.
- 丢1
- To throw away; throw.
- 冑2
- A helmet.
- 抒2
- To take by the hand; lead; to lay open; explain; to strain; to decant.
- 杼2
- Transverse part of a loom; thin; narrow; to pare thin.
- 紓2
- Slow; remiss; procrastinating.
- 宁2
- The space between the door and screen.
- 佇2
- To stand and wait for a long time.
- 竚2
- To stand for a long time; stand.
- 貯2
- To accumulate; store up; an accumulation.