- 針1
- A needle; any pointed instrument.
- 簪1
- A pin of metal or wood to fasten the hair.
- 箴1
- A needle; a surgeon's probe; to probe.
- 斬2
- To cut asunder; decapitate.
- 譖3-
- To revile; slanderous speech.
- 儳-1
- Irregular; rapid.
- 巉-1
- A hill; a rocky, dangerous summit.
- 讒-1
- To calumniate; to flatter those present and slander the absent.
- 慙-1
- Ashamed; to blush.
- 參1𠫵1
- To mix together; to see; advise with; to give advice to a sovereign against inferior officers.
- 驂1
- Blended; three horses to one carriage.
- 慘2
- Painful feelings; distress of mind.
- 層-1
- An upper room or loft; a degree.
- ⿱山層-1
- Mountains rising one above another.
- 罾-1
- A fishing net.
- 贈3-
- To present to; give; bestow.
- 棧3-
- A scaffold; upper loft; a tent; stable; a railing.
- 贊3-
- To see; to enter; discover; praise.
- 纘3-
- To continue on in succession.
- 瓚3-
- A kind of sceptre; a vessel to contain wine.
- 讚3-
- To praise; assist.
- 站3-
- To stand up; erect.
- 田-1
- A field.
- 殘-1
- To rob; plunder; mangle; spoiled; killed; cruel.
- 戕-1
- A sheepcote; stable.
- 餐1
- A meal of food.
- 孱1
- Weak; embarrassed; sighing.
- 僝1
- To see; to manifest; prepare.
- 㯆2
- Name of a tree and fruit; a mattress.
- 鏟2
- A plane; to plane or level.
- 粲3-
- A meal; to eat; many; excellent; to examine.
- 燦3-
- Clear; luminous.