- 試3-
- To try; test; examine; compare.
- 莿3-
- A device; stratagem.
- 妻3-
- To give to wife; to marry.
- 錢-1
- Wealth; copper coin; money.
- 瘵-1
- Disease; contagious distemper.
- 支1
- A branch; to branch out; to measure; the 12 divisions of time, of 2 hours each.
- 毡1
- A carpet for a floor.
- 氈1
- Cloth or felt made of hair.
- 穉2
- Young grain; young; small; tender.
- 擠3-
- To push; to press upon; to put in order.
- 箭3-
- An arrow; small bamboo.
- 鮮1
- Fresh; not tainted nor salted.
- 遮1
- To cover over; to screen.
- 者2
- A particle placed after verbs to denote the agent of the action.
- 赭2
- Carnation color; red earth.
- 籍-3
- A list; register; book; to register.
- 藉-3
- To rely on; avail one's self of; to assist.
- 炙3-
- To apply fire to; to broil; to dry; to approach near.
- 摭3-
- To drag; to draw into notice.
- 蔗3-
- Sugar cane.
- 鷓3-
- A partridge.
- 樜3-柘3-
- A species of mulberry.
- 跖3-
- Lower part of the leg.
- 食-4
- To eat or drink; to retract; to endure an insult or injury.
- 隻4
- Single; a numeral of things which are single.
- 蹟4
- A footstep; to tread in the footsteps of.
- 跡4迹4
- A trace; footstep; work of; examples for imitation.
- 車1
- A carriage.
- 奢1
- Affluent; prodigal; wasteful.
- 賒1
- To sell on credit; slow; remiss.
- 且2
- And; then; also.