- 州1
- A province; a district.
- 洲1
- An island.
- 舟1
- A boat or vessel; to transfer.
- 輈1
- A certain pole in the fore part of a carriage.
- 酒2
- Wine; spirituous liquor.
- 肘2
- The fore arm; elbow; the muscles of the legs and arms.
- 就-3
- To go to; approach; immediately; then; to complete.
- 咒3-
- To curse; to rail.
- 囚-1
- To confine; imprison; a prison; a prisoner.
- 仇-1
- To oppose; to return like for like; an enemy; a rival.
- 售-1
- To sell; pay for.
- 雔-1
- To wrangle; to hate; an enemy; hatred.
- 犨-1
- A white cow; a cow lowing.
- 讐-1
- To oppose; retaliate; hate; an enemy.
- 酬-1
- To return the pledge or compliment in drinking; to recompense.
- 瘳1
- Convalescent; sudden removal of disease.
- 秋1
- Autumn;
- 揪1
- To seize; grasp; gather in the hand.
- 愀1
- Disconsolate; to change the countenance.
- 鞦1
- A wheel to sit on and turn around; a Chinese amusement.
- 鬚1
- The beard.
- 樹1
- A tree.
- 手2
- The hand.
- 醜2
- Deformed; hateful; shame; to hate; abhor.
- 租1
- Grain paid as tax; tax; rent.
- 緅1
- Dark red color; dipped in red dye three times and then in black once.
- 鄹1
- Name of a country, where Confucious lived.
- 鄒1
- Name of a country.
- 祖2
- Ancestors; grandparents; to begin; the beginning.
- 驟-3
- Swift; fleet; urgent; pressing.
- 愁-1
- Mournful; grieved.
- 粗1
- Coarse; vulgar; large.
- 麤1
- Same as the last; also to be afraid of and guard against.