- 千1
- A thousand; very many.
- 筅2
- A scrubber for cleaning rice; a broom.
- 族-4
- A kindred; family; clan; a class; a sort.
- 簇-4
- Luxuriant plants; the metal point of an arrow.
- 鏃-4
- Pointed; the point of an arrow.
- 屬4
- The foot; enough; satisfied; complete.
- 祝4
- To bless; praise.
- 竺4
- A bamboo.
- 促4
- Near; close; urgent.
- 捉4
- To seize; grasp.
- 齪4
- Gnashing or grinding of the teeth; embarassment.
- 蹙4
- Pressed upon; impelled; embarassed; anxious.
- 噈4
- To expel the voice or breath; to taste; to lick.
- 蹴4
- Pressed upon; embarassed; anxious.
- 矗4
- Upright; equal; equity; high.
- 躅4
- Footsteps; stamping with the foot.
- 觸4
- To gore; hit against; offend; oppose.
- 戳4
- To stamp with a seal; a seal; to stab.
- 宗1
- Ancestors; an ancestral temple; a whole kindred or clan.
- 綜1
- Transverse threads in weaving; to collect together.
- 終1
- The end; termination; to end or terminate; to die.
- 螽1
- A species of locust.
- 蹤1
- A footstep; a trace.
- 總2
- All united together; the whole; general; altogether.
- 踵2
- The heel of the foot; to tread in the footsteps of.
- 從-3
- To follow; comply with.
- 瘲3-
- A disease; pain in the muscles and bones; rheumatism.
- 縱3-
- Remiss; to connive at; although allowing it.
- 叢-1欉-1
- Crowded together; mixed assemblage; woody.
- 崇-1
- Lofty; honorable; noble; to honor.
- 從-1
- By; from; with; to follow.