- 蟹-4
- A crab; lobster.
- 伏-4
- To lie prostate on the face; hide; submit; secrete.
- 或-4
- Uncertain; perhaps; either; or; this or that.
- 域-4
- A boundary; a state; nation; the world; universe.
- 惑-4
- To delude; tempt; excite doubt; cause to err.
- 棫-4
- A bush of small thorny plants.
- 緎-4
- A seam; to seam.
- 閾-4
- The threshold of a door.
- 斛-4
- A measure containing ten tau; to measure.
- 服-4
- The abdomen; substantial; rich; to serve, to wait on; endure.
- 復-4
- Again; to reiterate; restore; return.
- 幅4
- A roll; a piece of cloth or paper.
- 福4
- Divine protection; happiness; a blessing.
- 愎-4
- Perverse; self-willed; resisting reproof.
- 蝠4
- A flying animal; a snake.
- 輻4
- The axle of a carriage.
- 蝮4
- Name of several insects and reptiles, as locusts, snakes.
- 複4
- Double garments.
- 覆4
- To subvert; ruin; defeat; to investigate; to overshadow and protect.
- 弘-1
- The sound of a bow string; great; large; to enlarge.
- 泓-1
- Deep; clear; profound.
- 宏-1
- Rest; repose; the echo in a large house; vast; large.
- 閎-1
- The gate of a street or lane; the bar of a gate; wide; great.
- 洪-1
- A deluge; great; vast.
- 烘-1
- The flame of a torch.
- 鴻-1
- Name of a bird similar to a goose; vast; large.
- 𤇺1
- Herbage shooting forth; a fine countenance; plump.
- 夅1
- To descend; submit; to cause to descend.
- 峯1
- The peak or summit of a mill.
- 𤇺1
- A hollow brick pyramid filled with combustables to be set on fire as a signal.
- 鋒1
- The point of a weapon, pencil or tongue; van of an army.
- 封1
- That which is given by the emperor or received from him; to receive; grant.
- 風1
- Custom; temper; spirit; disposition; wind.