- 喑-1
- Dumb; unable to speak from grief or weeping.
- 瘖1
- Dumb; a disease which disables from speaking.
- 陰1
- Obscure; the opaque; inferior or female in nature.
- 飮2
- To drink.
- 癊3-
- Disease of the heart or mind.
- 蔭3-
- Shady; to overshadow.
- 寅-1
- A horary character from 3 to 5 o'clock P.M.; strong; respectful.
- 夤-1
- Respect; veneration; continued succession; remote.
- 演-1
- Constant flowing; long protracted; to practice.
- 沿-1
- Along the shore; to flow down the stream; to accomodate.
- 鉛-1
- Lead and the like soft metals.
- 因1
- Because; for the sake of; on account of; as formerly.
- 姻1
- A bride; the families of the bride and bridegroom.
- 烟1
- Smoke; igneous vapor; fog.
- 絪1
- Hemp; warm genial air.
- 胭1
- The throat; to swallow down.
- 氤1
- Warm genial air or vapour; the generative stimulus.
- 湮1
- To fall; to be drowned or lost in the water.
- 甄1
- To form or burn earthen ware; examine; illustrate.
- 禋1
- A. clean pure sacrifice.
- 薽1
- Name of a plant; a lily.
- 引2
- To lead; shew the way; introduce; seduce; introduction.
- 蚓2
- A worm;
- 印-3
- A seal; to seal; stamp.
- 舁
- To lift up; to bear.
- 䍃-1
- Earthen ware; a pitcher; to move; agitate; shake.
- 徭-1
- To serve; perform service for government.
- 愮-1
- Deflected; depraved; to seduce; impose upon.
- 搖-1
- To shake; wave; agitate.
- 猺-1
- A species of dog.
- 瑤-1
- A certain valuable stone.
- 謠-1
- To sing songs or ballads; to slander by idle stories.
- 𧽎-1
- To walk; go.
- 遙-1
- Remote; distant.