- 𧒄3-
- A kind of shell fish.
- 幹3-
- Stem of a plant; original substance; business; affair.
- 澣3-
- To wash clothes; ten days.
- 簳3-
- Small bamboo.
- 𦼮3-
- Herbs; plants; the stem of grain.
- 牽1
- To lead; pull; drag; connect; confined to.
- 刋1
- To cut; carve; engrave; to hew; to fell.
- 衎1
- Joy; rejoicing; feasting; ease; settled; sincere.
- 工1
- Work; art; craft; a workman; artificer.
- 江1
- A large river.
- 岡1崗1
- The ridge of a mountain; top of a hill.
- 剛1
- Hard; firm; stiff; strength; fortitude; violence; recently.
- 綱1
- The cord to draw up a net; that which regulates, controls or draws together, as prince, father, or husband.
- 罡1
- Name of a star; ursa major.
- 講2
- To speak; talk; discourse; explain; explanation.
- 港2
- Streams; canals; arms of the sea.
- 共3
- Together with; with; general; all together; the whole.
- 洚3-
- Flowing in an irregular course or out of the channal.
- 絳3-
- Deep red; crimson.
- 降3-
- To descend; cause to descend; degrade; subdue.
- 釭1
- An urn.
- 康1
- Repose; joy; felicity; excellent; blessed; a road.
- 慷1
- Firm; elevated; energetic; strong; healthy.
- 糠1
- Chaff.
- 匡1
- Square; right; to rectify; assist; deliver.
- 空1
- Vacant; empty; exhausted; poor; to empty.
- 侃3-
- Faithful; plain; unceremonious.
- 亢3-
- The neck; throat; strong; to shelter; oppose; attack.
- 伉3-
- To pair; match; a pair; to oppose; honest; blunt.
- 忼3-
- High toned; aspiring; magnanimous; roused; to sigh.
- 抗3-
- To raise with the hand; to shield; resist; oppose.
- 炕3-
- To dry; dry hot.