- 翮4
- Wings of a bird spread out.
- 刻4
- To cut; engrave; carve; peel; to use harshly.
- 擊4
- To strike; knock; beat; to rouse; excite; attack; kill.
- 宮1
- Palace; inner apartments; a wall; a note in music.
- 莖1
- Classical books; what is excellent; rules; laws; to manage; to pass through.
- 𦮨1
- The stem of plants; handle of a sword or spear.
- 弓1
- A bow; cover of a carriage; a land measure, 8 cubits.
- 芎1
- A fragrant medicinal plant.
- 矜1
- Handle of a spear; to compassionate; respectful; conceited.
- 荆1
- A thorny bush; to punish.
- 更1
- To change; alteration; still move.
- 供1
- To place; arrange; give; declare; give evidence.
- 賡1
- Again; to respond to; continue in succession.
- 儆2
- To warn or caution against.
- 警2
- To warn; rouse; excite; to command with a penalty.
- 境2
- Boundary; frontier; place where on lives; one's condition.
- 景2
- Prospect; appearance; illuminated; boundaries.
- 竟-3
- Finally; after all; the extreme point of; then.
- 競-3
- Strong; violent; quarrelsome; precipitate; abundant.
- 敬3-
- Attentive; respectful; to reverence; worship.
- 擎-1
- To raise or lift up with the land; to lift high.
- 鯨-1
- A large fish; a sea monster.
- 扃1
- The bar of a door; to bolt a door.
- 兢1
- Attentive; cautious; respectful; anxious; alarm.
- 卿1
- A title conferred on high officers; a prince.
- 筐1
- A basket.
- 硜1
- Noise of stones dashing against each other; mean.
- 肯2
- Willing; pleased.
- 虹-3
- A rainbow.
- 磬3-
- The sound of a sonorous stone; to suspend.
- 罄3-
- Empty; exhausted; to exhaust.
- 慶3-
- To congratulate; good; happy.