A Collection of Loyal Songs.
But then he was ſet free; ſo the King was righted
’Gainſt Princes, Offences
Prov’d in all ſenſes;
But ’gainſt a Whig there's no Truth in Evidences.
They ſham us, and flam us, &c.
’Gainſt Princes, Offences
Prov’d in all ſenſes;
But ’gainſt a Whig there's no Truth in Evidences.
They ſham us, and flam us, &c.
But wot you what, Sir?
They found it not, Sir;
’Twas ev’ry Jurors caſe, and there lay all the Plot, Sir.
For at this ſeaſon,
Shou’d they do reaſon,
Which of themſelves wou’d ſcape, if they found it Treaſon?
Compaſſion in faſhion,
The Int’reſt of th’ Nation:
Oh, what a Godly point is ſelf-preſervation!
They ſham us, and flam us, &c.
But wot you what, Sir?
They found it not, Sir;
’Twas ev’ry Jurors caſe, and there lay all the Plot, Sir.
For at this ſeaſon,
Shou’d they do reaſon,
Which of themſelves wou’d ſcape, if they found it Treaſon?
Compaſſion in faſhion,
The Int’reſt of th’ Nation:
Oh, what a Godly point is ſelf-preſervation!
They ſham us, and flam us, &c.
’Las what is Conſcience
In Baxter’s own ſenſe,
When Int’reſt lies at ſtake, an Oath and Law is Nonſenſe?
Now they will banter
Quaker and Ranter,
To find a Loyaliſt, and clear a Covenanter.
They’l wrangle and brangle,
The Soul intangle,
To ſave the Traytors Neck from the old Triangle.
They ſham us, and flam us, &c.
’Las what is Conſcience
In Baxter’s own ſenſe,
When Int’reſt lies at ſtake, an Oath and Law is Nonſenſe?
Now they will banter
Quaker and Ranter,
To find a Loyaliſt, and clear a Covenanter.
They’l wrangle and brangle,
The Soul intangle,
To ſave the Traytors Neck from the old Triangle.
They ſham us, and flam us, &c.
Alaſs! for pity
Of this good City,
What will the Tories ſay in their Drunken Dity?
When all Abettors,
And Monarch-haters,
The Brethren damn’d their Souls to ſave malicious Traytors.
But mind it, long winded,
With prejudice blinded,
Leſt what they did reject, another Jury find it.
Then ſham us, and flam us, &c.
Alaſs! for pity
Of this good City,
What will the Tories ſay in their Drunken Dity?
When all Abettors,
And Monarch-haters,
The Brethren damn’d their Souls to ſave malicious Traytors.
But mind it, long winded,
With prejudice blinded,
Leſt what they did reject, another Jury find it.
Then ſham us, and flam us, &c.