A Collection of Loyal Songs.
Contriv’d the Nations fall, yet both were Loyal Fellows; With Patience, Narrations, And Associations.Lord what ado there was for Teckley’s Reformations,They Plotted, and Lotted, and Sotted, and Voted;And never will have done, ’till their Heads are all promoted.
2 With Inſurrections, Lawleſs Objections,They ſtudy’d to promote the Commonwealth projections.Monarchy-Haters, Associators,Did ſwear into a League with Raſcals, Whigs & Traytors; They venture, Indenter, In Bond they do Enter:Whilſt at the Royal Pair their malice ſtill did center:They Plotted, and Lotted, and Sotted, and Voted,And never will have done till all the Tribe’s promoted.
3 But the brave Chief Justice, In whom our truſt is,Will do the Rebels Right, who in Law the firſt is. In this high Station, Purging the NationOf all that did promote this damn’d Aſſociation: Bakers and Quakers, And Monarchy-haters,And all that joyn in League with Aſſociators,They Plotted, and Lotted, and Sotted, and Voted,And never will have done, till all their Train’s Promoted,
4 He late ſurprizes, In quaint diſguiſes,No leſs then ſeventeen at Newcaſtle Sizes: Villains he ſcented, That had indented,And with the Cooper had a new Tap invented;