Page:A Collection of Charters and Statutes relating to the East India Company.pdf/11

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Third Charter.—Grant of Bombay.

Qualification of Voters.That every Member shall have a Vote in the General Court, at all Elections and Bye-laws, for each Five hundred Pounds Stock which he shall possess; and that Persons may unite smaller Sums to make up that Amount, and vote jointly for the same.

Company to appoint their own CovernorsThat all Plantations, Forts, &c. where the Company's Factories are or shall be established, shall be under their own Command and Controul, with the Appointment of Governors and Officers to govern the same; Their Powers. and that such Governor and his Council may exercise civil and criminal Jurisdiction in the said Factories, &c. according to the Laws of England; and if the Offence shall be committed in a Place where it cannot be tried, the Offender may be sent to such other Plantation or Fort where there is a Governor and Council to try him, that Justice may be done.

May export Warlike Stores and make War and Peace.That the Company may export warlike Stores, make Peace and War with Princes and People in the Limits of their Trade (not being Christians) and Damages sustained at their Settlements.

May fotify St Helena, and other SettlementsThat they may fortify St. Helena, and any other Places within their Limits of Trade, and supply their Forts and Settlements with Cloathing, Victuals, Ammunition, and Implements, free from Custom or Duty, and transport thither such Men as shall be willing to go; may govern them in a legal and reasonable Manner, and inflict Punishments for Misdemeanors, or impose Fines for Breach of Orders.

May seize InterlopersThat they may seize upon all Englishmen and other Persons in the East Indies, sailing in any Indian or English Vessel, or inhabiting those Parts without the Company's Licence, of that shall disobey their Orders, and send them home to England.

Powers of President and CouncilsThat the King's Subjects, employed by the Company in the Limits aforesaid, shall suffer such Punishment for Offences there committed as the Company's President and Council shall think fit, and the quality of the Offences require; and in case of Appeal, the Offender shall be sent home for Punishment. And for the better Discovery of Offenders, all Persons may be examined on Oath before the Company's President and Council, touching the same.

Company not to trade in Dominions of Christian States against their will.The Company is restricted from trading in the Dominions of any Christian Prince or State in Amity with the Crown of England, who shall overtly declare it to be against his will or good liking.

Charter may be resumed on Three Years Warning With proviso, that if the Continuance of this Charter shall not be profitable to the Crown and the Realm, the King may resume it on Three Years Notice.

Grant to the First East India Company, of the Island of Bombay, dated 27th March 1669

The AbstractTHE King of Portugal, having, in 1661, ceded the Port and Island of Bombay to the Crown of England, the King, by this Charter grants and conveys the said-Port and Island, with all the Rights, Profits, Territories, and Appurtenances thereof, and all Royalties, Revenues, Rents, Customs, Castles, Forts, Buildings, and Fortifications, Privileges, Franchises, Pre-eminences, and Hereditamenis thereto belonging, To be held in as ample Manner as it came to the Crownin as ample Manner as it came to the Crowh by the Grant of the King of Portugal, and not further or otherwise; the King thereby creating and constituting the Company to be the true.and absolute Lords and Proprietors of the said Port and Island, and other the Premises. Saving Allegiance Saving always, the Faith and Allegiance to the Crown of England due and belonging, and the Royal Power and, Sovereignty over its Subjects and Inhabitants there. The same Port, Island, and Premises, to be held to the Company, and their Successors of the Crown of England, as of the Manor of East Greenwich, in Perpetuity,To be held in Soccage, at Ten Pounds per Annum Rent. and in free and common Soccage, at a Fee-farm Rent of Ten Pounds, payable on the 30th of September, yearly; at the Custom House.

Prvilleges of Inhabitants reserved.The Inhabitants are to be permitted to remain in the quiet Enjoyment of their privileges, and the free Exercise of the Roman Catholic Religion.

Company not to alienate, except to the King's Subjects.The Company are not to alienate any Part of the Island, excepting to Subjects of the Crown of England.

The Company to make Laws for the Government of the Island;The general Court of Proprietors, or the Governor and Committees, are impowered to make and publish, under the Company's Seal, Laws and Constitutions for the good Government of the Island and its Inhabitants, and the Use of the Port, and to impose Punishments and Penalties, extending to the taking away Life or Member, when the Quality of the Offence shall require it, so that the Punishment and Penalties are consonant to Reason, and not repugnant to, but as near as may be agreeable to the Laws of England, And subject to the Provisoes and Restrictions contained in the Charter.
