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52 Georgii III. Cap. cxlii.

have been so landed and carried and put into such Warehouse as last aforesaid from any such Warehouse, either by Sea or Inland Navigation, to any other Port of Great Britain where Foreign Spirits are by Law allowed to be secured in Warehouse under the Regulations of the said Acts of the Forty-third and Forty-fifth Years of His present Majesty's Reign, or either of them for the Purpose of being exported from such Port, under and subject to the Rules, Regulations, and restrictions, (save and except so far as the same are not altered by this Act, or not repugnant to, any of the Regulations or Restrictions in this Act contained, or hereby prescribed, settled, or established, for and in respect of the Removal of Goods, Wares, and Merchandize, subject to any Duty of Excise), mentioned in another Act, made in the Fiftieth Year of His present Majesty's Reign, intituled 50 G, 3. c.44."An Act to permit the Removal of Goods, Wares, and Merchandize, from the Port In Great Britain where first warehoused, to any other warehousing Port for the Purpose of Exportation," for and in respect of the Goods, Wares, and Merchandize by the said last mentioned Act authorized and allowed to be removed in Manner therein mentioned.

Previous to Removal Bond to be entered.VIII. And belt further enacted. That previous to the Removal of any Goods, Wares, or Merchandize, which are pr shall be subject to any Duty or Duties of Excise under or by virtue of an Act made in the Fiftieth Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, intituled, "An Act to permit the Removal or Goods, Wares, and Merchandize, from the Port in Great Britain where first warehoused, to any other warehousing Port, for the Purpose of Exportation," for the Purpose in that Act mentioned, or under or by virtue of this Act, for either of the Purposes herein mentioned, the Importer. Proprietor or Consignee of any such Goods, Wares, or Merchandize, shall, with One sufficient Surety, enter into Bond to His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, in Treble the Value, of such Goods, Wares, or Merchandize, with Condition that the same and every part thereof shall be duly delivered, without Alteration or Diminution, into the Custody and Pos­session of the proper Officer of Excise, at the Port or Place in Great Britain to which the same are intended to be removed, and to be named and such Condition, and to produce a Certificate under the Hand and Seal of the proper Officer of Excise at such Port or Place, that the said Goods, Wares, or Merchandize had been so delivered into his Custody and Possession, and that such Certificate shall, within Three Months from the Date of such Bond, be produced to the Commissioner of Excise in England, such Goods, Wares, or Merchandize are removed from the Port of London, or to the Commissioners of Excise in Scotland, if removed from Leith, and to the principal Officer of Excise of such Port, if such Removal takes place from any other Port of Great Britain

On Arrival of Goods at the Port intended, Entry to be made thereof with the proper Officer of Excise, C.IX. And be it further enacted. That upon the Arrival of such Goods, Wares, or Merchandize to which the same are so intended to be conveyed, due Entry shall be made thereof with the proper Officer with the Collector, Supervisor, or other proper Officer of Excise, specifying the Weight, Quantity, and Species of the Goods, Wares, or Merchandize, with the Marks and Numbers of the Packages, the Date of Importation, the Ship or Vessel in which the same were imported, and by what Person or Persons the same were entered inwards, And also the Port from whence removed, the Place to which the same are intended to be exported, And the Name of the Ship or Vessel in which the same are to be exported; and the Exporter or Exporters shall, together with the Master or other Person having or taking the Charge or Command of the Ship or Vessel in which such Goods, Wares, or Merchandize are intended to be exported, and one ether sufficient Surety, to be approved of by the Collector, Supervisor, or other proper Officer of Excise at the Port of Expor­tation, shall enter into Bond to His Majesty, His Heirs ahd Successors, in Treble that Value of the said Goods, Wares, and Merchandize, for the due Exportation thereof; and for producing to the Commissioners of Excise in England, if such Goods, Wares, or Merchandize are exported from the Port of London, or the Commissioners of Excise in Scotland, if exported from Leith, and to the Collector, Supervisor, or other proper Officer of Excise of such Port from which such Goods, Wares, or Merchandize are to be exported, a Certificate of the landing thereof, at the Port or Place for which the same are entered to be exported, specifying, certifying, and containing the several Matters and Things prescribed and required in and by the said Act of the Forty-third Year of His present Majesty's Reign for and in respect of the Certificate therein mentioned, and to produce such Certificate to the Collector, Supervisor, or other proper Officer of Excise, within such Time as in or by the said last mentioned Act is limited or prescribed, for the bringing or production of the Certificate as therein mentioned, as the Case may require.

If not shipped for Exportation, the Goods may be again Warehoused under the Regulations herein mentioned.X. And be it further enacted, That if after the Arrival of such Goods, Wares, or Merchandize, Subject to Duty of Excise at any such other Warehousing Port, the Proprietor thereof shall not have An Opportunity of shipping the same for Exportation, it shall not be lawful to lodge or deposit the Articles in any Warehouse approved under the Regulations of the said Acts of theForty-