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53 Georgii III. Cap. x, xvii; xxx.

Rice taken out of Warehouse after January 5 1813, to pay the Duły although imported before that Day.II. And be it further enacted, That the said additional Duty of Customs shall be charged and payable on any Rice which having been warehoused or otherwise secured under the Authority of any Act of Parliament, without Payment of Duty, shall be taken out of any such Warehouse or Place where the same shall have been lodged or secured, for the purpose of being used or consumed the Great Britain; after the said Fifth Day of January One thousand eight hundred and thirteen, notwithstanding such Rice may have been imported into Great Britain, before the Fifth Day of January One thousand eight hundred and thirteen.


An Act for punishing Mutiny and Desertion; and for the better Payment of the Army and their Quarters.

[23d March, 1813.]

General Courts Martial (except, &c.) not to consist of less than 13 Members.XXI. PROVIDED always, and be it further enacted, That no general Court-martial for the trial of any Officer, (except the same shall be holden in any place beyond the Seas out of His Majesty's Dominions, and out of any of the Settlements belonging to the United Company of Merchants of England, trading to the East Indies, or in Africa or New South Wales), shall consist of less than Thirteen Members.

No General Court Martial of less than 13, except in certain Places, shall sentence any Soldier to Loss of Life, &c.XXII. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That no General Court-martial, consisting of any less Number than Thirteen Commissioned Officers, unless holden in any Place beyond the Seas out of His Majesty's Dominions, or out of any of the Settlements belonging to the United Company of the Merchants of England, trading to the East Indies, or in Africa or New South Wales as aforesaid, shall sentence any Non-commissioned Officer or Soldier to Loss of Life or Limb, or Transportation.

Advertising for Recruits to be authorized.XCI. And whereas various persons are in the Habit of advertising for Recruits for Regiments of the Line, the Militia, and for the Service of the Honourable the East India Company, and also under Pretence of procuring Substitutes for the same, to the great Detriment of the Service; be it there. fore further enacted, That all Persons whatever who shall, after the passing of this Act, advertise, post, or disperse Bills for the purpose of procuring Recruits or Substitutes in any Manner wbatever, without the express Permission in Writing of the Adjutant General if for the Line or Militia, or of the Court of Directors if for the Honourable East India Company's Service, or receive any Recruit as aforesaid at his House or Office under any such Bill or Advertisement, shall forfeit the Sum of Twenty Pounds for every such Offence, to be recovered on Conviction before two Magistrates, One Moiety to the Informer and the other to the Poor of the Parish where such Information shall be laid, and on Default thereof shall be committed to the Common Gaol or other public Prison, at the Discretion of the Magistrates, for any Period not exceeding Three Months, and not less than One Month, for each and every such Offence.

The Provisions of the above Clauses have been annually renewed by the undermentioned Acts: viz:

54 Geo. III. Cap. 25, S. 22, 23, and 94.
55 Geo.III. Cap. 20, S. 22, 23, and 94.
55 Geo.III. Cap. 108, S. 22, 23, and 98,
56 Geo.III. Cap. 10, S. 22, 23, and 99.


An Act to allow a Bounty on the Exportation of the Manufactures of Refuse or Waste Silk.

[1st April 1813.]

WHEREAS it is expedient, for the further Encouragement of the Silk Manufacturers of Great Britain, that the Bounty now allowed by Law on the Manufactures of Raw or Thrown Silk should be extended to the Manufactures of Waste Silk or Refuse Silk, provided the Goods at thePort