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53 Georgii III. Cap. xxxiv.

by Dealers in the respective Goods, Wares, Merchandize, or Commodities, upon which additional Duties are by this Act imposed, for such Goods, Wares, Merchandize, or Commodities respectively, to be delivered after the Thirtieth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and thirteen; be it therefore enacted, That such Dealers delivering such "Tobacco or Souff, or French Wine, after the Thirtieth Day of March One thousand eight bundred and thirteen, in pursuance of such Contracts or Agreements, shall be allowed to add so much Money as will he equivalent to the Duties by this Act imposed, for or in respect of such Goods, Wares, Merchandize, or Commodities respectively, to the Price thereof, and shall be entitled by virtue of this Act to be paid for the same accordingly.

Duties to be levied and Drawbacks allowed as Duties and Drawbacks.VII. And be it further enacted, That the said several Sums of Money respectively inserted, described, and set forth in the said Schedules hereunto annexed, marked (A.) and (B.) respectively, as the Duties of Excise, and the Drawbacks of the Duties of Excise set forth in the said former Schedule marked (C.), upon the several and respective Goods, Wares, Merchandize, or Commodities inserted therein, shall and may be respectively raised, levied, collected, answered, paid, recovered, adjudged, mitigated, and allowed, in such and like Manner, are in or either of the general or special Means, Ways, or Methods, by which the former Duties respectively, and Drawbacks of Duties of Excise respectively, upon Goods, Wares, Merchandize, or Commodities, of the same Sort or Kind respectively, were or might be raised, levied, collected, answered, paid, recovered, adjudged, mitigated, or allowed; and the Goods, Wares, Merchandize, or Commodities, so by this Act respectively made liable to the Payment of or chargeable with Duties of Excise, or entitled to Drawbacks of Duties of Excise, as respectively inserted, described, and set forth in the said Schedules hereunto annexed, shall be and the same are hereby made subject to all and every the Conditions, Regulations, Rules, Restrictions, and Forfeitures to which Goods, Wares, Merchandize, or Commodities in geoeral, and also to all and every the special Conditions, Rules, Regulations, Restrictions, and Forfeitares respectively, to which the like Goods, Wares, Merchandize, or Commodities respectively, were subject and liable by any Actor Acts of Parliament in Force immediately before the passing of this Act, relating to the Duties of Excise; and all and every Pain, Penalty, Fine, or Forfeiture, of any Nature or Kind whatever, for any Offence whatever committed against or in Breach of any Act or Acts of Parliament in Force immediately before the passing of this Act, made for securing the Revenue of Excise, or for the Regulation and Improvement thereof, and the several Clauses, Powers, and Directions therein contained, shall and are hereby directed and declared to extend to, and shall be respectively applied, practised, and put in Execution for and in respect of the several Duties of Excise, and Drawbacks of Duties of Excise hereby charged and allowed, in as full and ample a Manner, to all intents and Purposes whatever, as if all and every the said Acts, Clauses, Provisions, Powers, Directions, Fines, Pains, Penalties, or Forfeitures, were particularly repeated and re-enacted in the Body of this Act.

Prize French Wine, Tobacco, and Snuff liable to the additional Duty.XII. And be it further enacted, that all French Wine, Tobacco, and Snuff respectively taken and condemned as Prize, and sold by the Captors or their Agents, and which shall, from or after the said Thirtieth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and thirteen, be taken out of any Warehouse wherein the same shall have been secured to be consumed in this Kingdom, shall be subject and liable to the additional Duty by this Act imposed, for or in respect of French Wine; Tobacco or Snuff, as the Case may require, respectively imported, and such additional Duty shall be paid and payable by such Persons and in such Manner as the Duties are payable by Law.

Schedule to which this Act refers.



For every Pound Weight of Tobacco imported into Great Britain by the United Company of Merchants of England trading to the East Indies 0 0 2
For every Pound Weight of Snuff imported into Great Britain by the United Company of Merchants of England trading to the East Indies 0 0 5 ½

The other Schedules are omitted.