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53 Georgii III. Cap. lv.

Countervailing Duties on Cordage.III. And whereas it is expedient, pursuant to the Provisions of the Acts for the Union of Great Britain and Ireland, that in-respect of the Duties by: former Acts and this Act imposed on Hemp imported into Ireland, new and increased Countervailing Duties should be charged on Cordage, being the, Manufacture of Great Britain and imported from thence into Ireland, sufficient to countervail all the said Duties; be it therefore enacted, That from and after the passing of this Act there shall be charged on all Cordage, the Manufacture of Great Britain, and imported from thence into Ireland, in lieu and full Satisfaction of all Countervailing Duties whatever payable on such Cordage under or by virtue of any Act or Acts in Force in Ireland immediately before the passing of this Act, the several Countervailing Duties following; that is to say,

Duties on Cordage. On all Cordage to be used as Standing Rigging, or other Cordage made from topt Hemp, the Ton containing Twenty Hundred Weight, the Sum of Five Pounds Seven Shillings and Two-pence:

On all, Cordage of any other Sort, Cable Yarn, Packthread, and Twine, the Ton containing Twenty Hundred Weight, the Sum of Five Pounds One Penny Three Farthings:

Drawback,.And that upon the. Exportation of any Cordage manufactured in Ireland from Hemp which shall have paid the Duties by this Act imposed, and which shall be exported to Great Britain or elsewhere, there Shall be allowed and given a Drawback equal in Amount to the said Countervailing Duties respectively.

Drawback on Cocoa Nuts and Chocolate.IV. And be it further enacted, That upon the Exportation from Ireland of Cocoa Nuts, on which the additional Duties imposed by this Act shall have been paid, there shall be paid and allowed a Drawback after the Rate of Two Shillings and Sixpence Three Farthings for every Pound Weight Avoirdupois thereof; and that upon the Exportation from Ireland (except to Great Britain) of any Chocolate made in Ireland from Cocoa Nats which shall have been imported into Ireland, and for which the additional Duty imposed by this Act shall have been paid, and which shall be duly exported to Foreign. Parts, there shall be paid and allowed a Bounty in the Nature of a Drawback, of Two Shillings and Fourpence Halfpenny British Currency for every Pound Weight Avoirdupois of any such Chocolate.

Dutles and Drawbacks to be in British Currency.V. And be it further enacted, That all the Duties and Drawbacks in and by this Act and the Schedule hereunto annexed, granted and allowed, specified, mentioned and contained, shall be paid and payable, and received and receivable, according to the Amount thereof in British Currency, and that all-the said Duties shall be carried to and.made Part of the Consolidated Fund of Ireland; and that all the said Duties and all Drawbacks in and by this Act, and the said Schedule granted and allowed, specified, mentioned and contained, according to the Tale, Weight, Measure, Gauge, or Value of the said Articles respectively specified, and also in Pro'portion upon any greater or less Number, Weight, Quantity or Measure of such Articles, Matters, and Things respectively.

Duties to be payable on Goods not entered before May 17, 1813VI. And be it further enacted, That the several and respective Duties by this Act granted on the Importation into Ireland of the Goods, Wares and Merchandize mentioned and set forth in this Act, and the Schedule thereto annexed, shall be charged and payable on all such Goods, Wares, and Merchandize as shall not have been entered on or before the said Seventeenth Day of May One thousand eight hundred and thirteen, or on which.the Duties due and payable on the Importation thereof shall not have been paid, notwithstanding' such Goods, Wares, and Merchandize may have been imported into Ireland before the said Seventeenth Day of May One thousand eight hundred and thirteen, or before the passing of this Act.

and on such as shall be warehoused on or after that DayVII. Provided always, and be it farther enacted, That the Duties granted, mentioned, and set forth in this Act and the said Schedule, shall be charged and payable on all such Goods, Wares, and Merchandize therein mentioned as; having been imported into Ireland, shall have been or shall be warehoused, or shall have been secured, without the Duties due on the Importation thereof having been first paid, and shall remain or shall have remained so warehoused or secured, on or after the said Seventeenth Day of May One thousand eight hundred and thirteen, in pursuance or by Authority of any Act or Acts of Parliament in Force for that Purpose, although such Goods, Wares, or. Merchandize may have been imported before the said. Seventeenth Day of May One thousand eight hundred and thirteen: Provided always, That such Duties shall not be charged or payable on any such Goods, Wares, or Merchandize, until the Duties which such Goods, Wares, or Merchandize shall have been subject to before the said Seventeenth Day of May One thousand eight hundred and thirteen shall be payable by Law.