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53 Georgii III. Cap.: lxxvii.

far as the same are altered by this Act, shall be and continue in Force for Seven Years from the passing of this Act, and from thence to the End of the then next Session of Parliament, and no longer.

Report of Wrecks to be made to the Deputy Vice Admiral of the Coast, &c.II, And be it farther enacted, That no Lord or Lady of any Manor, or other Person who may be entitled to or claim to be entitled to Wreck of the Sea, or to any Goods found Jetsam, Flotsam, or Lagan, shall be entitled to appropriate such Wreck or Goods to his, her, or their. Use, or otherwise to dispose thereof, until he, she, or they shall have caused a Report thereof in Writing to be, given to the Deputy Vice Admiral of that Part of the Coast where the same shall have been stranded, wrecked or found, or to his Agent, or if there shall be no such Deputy Vice Admiral or Agent residing within the Distance of Fifty Miles, then to the Corporation of the Trinity House of Deptford Strond, which Report shall contain an accurate and particular Description of the Wreck or Goods found, and of the Place or Places, and Time or Times where and when the same may have been found, and of any Marks that may be thereon, and of such other Particulars as may the better enable the Owner or Owners thereof to recover the same; and also of the Place or Places where the same are deposited, and may be found and examined by any Persons claiming any Right to such Wreck or Goods, nor until the full Expiration of One Whole Year and a Day after the Delivery of such Notice, any Thing in any Law to the contrary notwithstanding; and the Deputy Vice Admiral or Agent aforesaid shall, within Forty-eight Hours after receiving such Report as aforesaid, transmit a Copy thereof to the Secretary of the Corporation of the Trinity House of Deptford Strond, upon Pain of forfeiting, for any Neglect to transmit such Account as aforesaid, the Sum of Fifty Pounds to any Person who will sue for the same; and the said Secretary shall cause such Account to be placed in some conspicuous Situation for the Inspection of all Persons claiming to inspect and examine the same: Provided always, that nothing herein contained shall extend or be construed to extend to repeal or in any Manner to affect any of the Provisions of an Act passed in the last Session of Parliament, intituled,52 G. 3. c. 139. "An Act for charging Foreign Liquors and Tobacco Derelict, Jetsam, Flotsam, Lagan, or Wreck, brought or coming into Great Britain, with the Duties payable on Importation of such Liquors and Tobacco."

Perishable Goods may be sold with Consent of a JusticeIII. And be it further enacted, That when any.Goods which shall be found or taken Possession of by any Lord or Lady of any Manor, or Person entitled to or claiming to be entitled to Wreck of the Sea, or to Goods found Flotsam, Jetsam, or Lagan, or his or her Agent or Servant, or by any Vice Admiral or his Deputy or Agent, or by any Officer or other Person whatsoever, acting by or under the Authority of the said recited Acts or either of them, shall be of so perishable a Nature, er so much injured or damaged that the same cannot be kept, then and in every such Case, such Goods shall and may at the Request of any of the Persons interested or concerned therein, or in the saving and preserving thereof, by and with the Consent and Approbation of some Justice of the Peace not interested or concerned in the same, or in the saving or preserving thereof, and in the Presence of such Justice, or of some Person for that Purpose specially appointed by such Justice, be sold by Public Auction, or Private.Contract, as such Justice may direct by some Writing under his Hand, which Writing shall-contain an accurate and particular Account of the Goods, and of any Marks that may be thereon, or other Particulars belonging thereto, and of the Times and Places of the finding and intended Sale thereof; Money to be deposited in the Hands of the Lord of the Manor, &c. and the Money raised by such Sale, after defraying the reasonable Expences of the Sale, to be settled and allowed by such Justice, shall be deposited and remain in the Hands of the Lord or Lady of the Manor, or other Person, or Deputy Vice Admiral who would have received the Custody of the Goods so sold, to abide and be subject and liable to the Claims of all Persons in like Manner as the Goods themselves would be subject and liable if remaining unsold: Provided always, that all Persons requiring to transmit Reports to the Deputy. Vice Admiral, of the finding of any Goods; shall in Case.of any such Sale as last aforesaid likewise transmit to such Deputy Vice Admiral an Account of such Sale and of the Proceeds thereof; and the said Deputy Vice Admiral shall forward such Reports to the Secretary of the Trinity House of Depiford Strond, within the hke Periods, and under and subject to the like Penalties and Forfeitures for any Neglect therein, as in Cases.of any Goods found and required to be reported under, the Provisions of the said recited Act and this Act.

Carriages may pass over the Lands near the Coast where Vessels are wrecked for the Preservation of the Wreck, &c.III. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the Deputy Vice Admiral of the Part of the Coast where any Ship or Vessel shall be stranded or wrecked, or where any Wreck of the Sea or Goods shall be cast ou Shore, and for his Agent, and also for the Owner.or Master of any such Ship or Vessel, and for the Owners of any such Goods, or of any Part thereof, and for any, Officer of the Customs or Excise, and other Officer, and for all Persons whatsoever employed or acting in Aid of or in the assisting of any such Deputy Vice Admiral, Officer, Master, or Owner asaforesaid,