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53 Georgii III. Cap. xcviii, cv.

that such real Value and Specification of the Contents cannot be ascertained; and that within Three Months from the Date of Entry be will cause the separate Bill-and Declaration herein-before required to delivered to the proper Officers aforesaid.

Penalty.II. Any be it further enacted, That if the Exporter or Proprietor of such Goods, Wares, or Merchandize, or his known Agent or Factor, shall not deliver such separate Bill and Declaration within the Time herein-before limited and directed; or shall not produce the Invoice or Bills of Parcels for such Goods, Wares, or Merchandize; or shall knowingly make any false Declaration ethe. Value or Contents of any such Goods, Wares, or Merchandize, either at the Time of the Bayes thereof, or after the same have been allowed to be shipped for Exportation; every such Exporter, Agent, or Factor, shall for every such Offence forfeit the Sum of Twenty Pounds.


An Act to explain and amend an Act of the present Session, for granting additional Duties of Customs on Goods, Wares, or Merchandize imported into and exported from Great Britain; for allowing a Drawback on Carrot Tobacco exported; for altering the Duties on Pearls imported; for repealing the additional Duty on Barilla granted by the said Act; for allowing a Drawback of the additional Duties Of Customs on Timber used in the Tin, Lead, and Copper Mines of Devon and Cornwall; for ascertaining the Time when the Bounty on Goods exported may be claimed; for better preventing the clandestine Exportation of Goods; and for appropriating the Duties on Sugar the Produce of Martinique and other Places, granted by an Act of this Session.

[10th July, 1813.]

49 G. 3. c. 98.V.AND Whereas by an Act passed in the Forty-ninth Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, intituled "An Act for repealing the several Duties of Customs chargeable in Great Britain, and for granting other Duties in lieu thereof;" and by the said recited Act of this present Session of Parliament, certain Duties of Customs are now payable upon Pearls imported into 'Great Britain by the United Company of Merchants of England trading to the East Indies; and it is expedient that the said Duties, save and except the Duties payable on their being secured in Warehouses, pursuant to an Act passed in the Thirty-ninth Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, intituled. 39 G. 3.c.59."An Act for, permitting certain Goods imported from the East Indies to be warehoused, and for repealing the Duties now payable thereon, and granting other Duties in lieu hereof," should be no longer payable or paid; and that another Duty of Customs should be charged instead, and in lieu thereof; be it thereof further enacted,Duties on Pearls reppealed, and another of 5 per Cent. of the Value imposed.That, from and after the Passing of this Act, the said several Duties now payable upon Pearls so imported, save and except the said Duties payable on their being secured in Warehouses as aforesaid, shall cease, and be no longer payable or paid, and in stead and in lieu thereof, there shall be charged and paid on such Pearls when taken out of any such Warehouses to be used or consumed in Great Britain, a permanent Duty of Five Potnds only to every One hundred Pounds.of the Value thereof; and the said Duty shall be managed, ascertained, raised, levied, collected, recovered, paid, and applied in like Manner as the permanent Duty heretofore payable, was to be managed, ascertained, raised, levied, collected, recovered, and applied, and shall be. subject to the several Powers, Conditions, Rules, Regulations, Restrictions, Penalties, and Forfeitures now in Force,in relation to, or made for securing the Revenue of Customs in Great Britain .

Additional Duty on Barilla repealed.VI. And wheras it is expedient that the additional Duty of Customs on Barilla imported into Great Britain granted by the said Act of this Session of Parliament, should be repealed; be it therefore enacted, That from and after the passing of this Act, the additional Duty of Customs granted by the said Act on Barilla imported into Great Britain, shall cease and determine.

For preventing clandestine, Exportation of GoodsIX. And whereas the Provisions already made by Law to prevent the clandestine Exportation of Goods, Wares, or Merchandize which are prohibited to be exported, have not been sufficientto