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Charter of King William III.

and join together such their several Shares and Interests, and to be incorporated, so as they may he able to manage their Trade (in proportion to their Interests as a Company, and by Joint Stock) that then it should and might be lawful for us, by Letters Patents under the Great Seal of England, to incorporate all such Persons and Corporations by such proper names as we should think fit to be one Company, with Power to manage and carry, on their Trade to the East Indies, and other the Limits in the said Act mentioned, by a Joint Stock, and to have perpetual Succession and a common Seal, with Power to grant and take, sue and be sued, and to chuse their own Managers, Di­rectors, and Officers from Time to Time, and such other Powers and Clauses as should be necessary or requisite for the carrying on of such Trade as should be reasonable for us to giant, never­theless with such Restrictions as in the said Act is mentioned; and the Directors or Managers, and other Members of Such Company, were to be subject to such farther Rules, Qualifications, and Appointments as we in such Charter should think necessary or reasonable to be inserted.

And it is thereby further enacted. That it, should and might be lawful for us by any such Commission, or by such Charters or Letters Patents as are therein mentioned, to limit, direct and appoint, how and in what Manner and Proportion, and under what Rules and Directions the Shares of all and every Person and Persons whatsoever in the said yearly Fund, and of and in the Stock of The General Society, or of any Company, to be settled or authorized to trade in pursuance of the said Act, and every or any Part or Proportion thereof, should and might be assignab1e or transferable, assigned or transferred to such Person or Persons only as should freely and voluntarily accept of the same, and not otherwise; and that all Assignments and Transferences made in such Manner should be good and available in the Law, and in the said Act there is contained a Proviso or Condition of Redemption by Parliament, in such Form as is therein expressed,

And it is also thereby enacted. That in case the Duties arising or appropriated by the said Act should at any Time or Times appear to be so defiant in the Produce of the same, as that within any one Year, to be reckoned from the Twenty-ninth of September which shall be in the Year of our Lord 1699, the weekly Payments upon the same Duties Should not amount to so much as should be sufficient to discharge and satisfy the several and respective Benefits, yearly Payments or Advantages by the said Act appointed or intended to be paid within or for the same Year respectively, in every such Case every such Deficiency should be answered by or out of the next Aids to be raised and granted by Parliament in the Manner therein mentioned, as by the said Act of Parliament, in which are contained divers other Powers, Provisoes, Authorities, Privileges, and Clauses (Relation being thereunto had) more, fully and at large it doth and may appear.

Recital of the Commission for receiving the Subscriptions.And whereas in pursuance of the said Act we, did by our Commission or Letters Patents under the Great Seai of England, bearing Date at Westminster the Fourteenth Day of July now last past; nominate, constitute, authorize, and appoint Hugh Boscawen, Esq.; Sir Thomas Grosvenor, Sir William Forrister, Sir Henry Athurst, Sir Robert Marsham, Sir John Buckworth, Sir William, Saint Quintin, Sir Cloudesly Shovel, Sir Henry Furnesse, Sir William Scawen, Sir Theodore Janssen, Sir John Elwill, Sir William Honeywood, Sir Robert Southwell, Sir Cornwall Bradshaw, Sir Robert Clayton, Sir Thomas Stamp, Sir Owon Buckingham, &c. to be the several Commissioners to take and receive all such voluntary Subscriptions as should be made on or before the Twenty-ninth Day of September then next ensuing, by or for any Person or Persons, Natives or Foreigners, or by or for any Body Politick or Corporate (except as aforesaid) of any Sums of Money whatsoever (not less than One Hundred Pounds) for and towards the raising and paying the said Sum of Two Mil­lions, with Power and Directions to them, or such or so many of them as were thereby authorized and appointed to take such Subscriptions, and to do and perfom such Matters and Things as are thereby enjoined.

And whereas we did in and by the same Commission or Letters Patents promise and declare. That as soon as the said Sum of Two Millions should be subscribed, in case the Subscriptions, thereof should be compleated sooner than the said Twenty-ninth Day of September, 1698, or else immediately after the said Twenty-ninth Day of September, 1698, although only a Moiety or any greater Part of the said Sum of Two Millions should be subscribed by that Time, we would grant and make forth our Royal Charter or Letters Patents, under the Great Seal of England, for the Incorporation of the said General Society, by the Name aforesaid, in such ample Manner as is therein mentioned.

And whereas we did by the said Commission or Letters Patents also promise and declare, That if the said whole Sum of Two Millions, or One Moiety, or any greater, Part thereof, should be sub­scribed on or before the said Twenty-ninth of September, 1698, and that if all or any Corpora­tions, or other Person or Persons, who should have particular Shares or Interests in the principal Stock of the said General Society, or in proportionable Annuities or yearly Payments issuing out of the said yearly Fund, should be willing or desirous to unite or join together such their Shares or Interests, and to be incorporated so as they might be able to manage their Trade as a Company, and by a joint Stock, then we would grant apd make forth another Charter or other Leutters Patents,and