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Chartrer of King William III.

poses, be and become a Member and Members of the said Company, and be intitled unto all the Benefits and Advantages of the said Company rateably and proportionably, according to his or their Part ans Share in the capital Stock or Fund of the said General Society, so to be united and joined with the said Company; and from and after such Admittance the Share and Proportion of and in the capital Stock or Fund of the said General Society belonging to such Member or Members so to be admitted of the said Company shall, by such his Admittance, be transferred to the said Company, and be and became Part of the capital Stock or Fund of the said-Company, and shall from thenceforth be and become subject to such Rules, Orders, Limitations, Restrictions, and Directions, as the Shares and Proportions of the several Persons hereby united and incorporated are by Virtue of these Presents, or by the said Act of Parliament, made subject to in all Things, according to the true Intent and Meaning of these Presents, and of the said Act of Parliament.

An entry thereof to be made in Six Days after their Admittance in the Company's Books and Exchequer.Provided always, and we do hereby direct and appoint, That within Six Days after such Admittance, an Entry thereof shall be made in the Books of the said Company, and likewise in the Office of the Auditor of the Receipt of our Exchequer; and from and after such Entry thereof made with the said Auditor of our Exchequer, the Part and Share of such Member or Members of and in the Capital Stock of the said General Society, and of and in a proportionable Part of the said Annuities, shall from thenceforth be paid to the said Company, or to such Treasurer or Receiver as shall be appointed by the said Company, in such Manner and Form as the Parts and Shares of the Members of the said Company are hereby appointed to be paid.

The Commissioners of the Treasury, or Lord Treasurer, &c. to pay the Money arising by the Fund to such Person as shall be authorized under the Company's Seal without further Warrant. And we do hereby, for Us, our Heirs and Successors, authorize, and enjoin and require the Commissioners of our Treasury and Under Treasurer of our Exchequer now being, the High Treasurer, Commissioners of the Treasury, and Under Treasurer of Us; our Heirs and Successors for the Time being, without any further or other Warrant, to be sued for, had, or obtained from Us, our Heirs or Successors, to issue pay, or cause to be issued and paid, the proportionable Part or Parts of the said yearly Fund issuing out of the Exchequer, and belonging to the Members of the Company hereby established, from Time to Time to the said Company, called The English Company trading to the East Indies, or to such Treasurer or Treasurers as shall be appointed under their Common Seal to receive the same, in Trust for the several and respective Members of the same Company, according to their respective Proportions or Shares in the said joint or united Stock of the same Company, and to direct their Warrants and Orders for the issuing and Payment thereof accordingly; The Payments to be made weekly.and that the Payments thereof be made weekly, or as fast as the said Duties shall produce Money into the Exchequer for the same, so as by such weekly or other Payments the Whole of the Annuities due to the said Company at the End of any one Quarter be not exceeded, as in and by the said Act is prescribed; any Matter or Thing to the contrary notwithstanding.

May make any Addition to the capital Stock, so as not to exceed the Total of what the Company may trade for.And we do hereby order, direct, and appoint, that. it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Company or Body Politick, called The English Company trading to the East Indies, and their Successors, from Time to Time, and at any Time or Times hereafter, for the better carrying on of the Trade and Affairs of the same Company, to make or cause to be made any Addition to their said Capital Stock, any Sum or Sums of Money, to be contributed or paid by the Members of the said Company, or any of them, so as all the Additions so to be made to the aforesaid Joint Stock of the said Company do not at any one Time exceed the Sum Total for which the said Company may yearly trade to the East Indies, and other the Parts within the Limits aforesaid, by Virtue of the said Act of Parliament and of these Presents.

May for ever hereafter freely trade.And our Will and Pleasure is, and we hereby for Us, our Heirs and Successors, grant, direct, and appoint, That the said English Company trading to the East Indies, and their Successors, shall and may for ever hereafter, by themselves, or by such Factors, Agents, or Servants as they severally shall think fit to intrust, freely traffic and use the Trade of Merchandize, in such Places and by such Ways and Passages as are already frequented, found out or discovered, or which shall be hereafter found out or discovered, as they severally shall esteem and take to be the fittest and best for them To and from the East Indies, unto and from the East Indies into the Countries and Parts of Asia and Africa, and unto and from the Islands, Ports, Havens, Cities, Creeks, Towns, and Places of Asia, Africa, and America, or any of them, beyond the Cape of Bona Esperanza to the Streights of Magellan, where any Trade or Traffic of Merchandize is or may be used, or had, and to and from every of them, So as they do not in any one Year, to be reckoned from Michaelmas, trade for more than the Amount of the as the said Company do not in any One Year (every Year to be reckoned from-the Twenty-ninth Day of September, 1698) successively ship, lade, put on board, send or cause to be sent, to or for the East Indies, or other Parts within the Limits aforesaid, from England, or any other Country or Place whatsoever, any Quantities of Goods, Wares, Merchandizes, Coins, Bullion, or Commodities whatsoever of greater Value than in the said Act of Parliament, and hereafter in these Presents are expressed (that is to say) the said Company for every Eight Pounds per Annum, payable to them and their Successors out of the said yearly Fund, in respect thereof One Hundred Pounds is to be reckoned in their capital Stock as aforesaid, shall or may, by themselves or others as aforesaid, ship, lade, put on board, or cause to be sent yearly for the said East Indies, or Parts within the Limits aforesaid,Goods,