Page:A Collection of Charters and Statutes relating to the East India Company.pdf/27

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Charter of King William III.

A General Court to be summoned on the Demand of Nine Members, within Ten Days;And moreover, We do by these. Presents, will, direct, and appoint, That the said directors, or the major Part of them for the Time being, shall from Time to Time, upon Demand to be made by any Nine or more of the said Members, having each of them Five Hundred Pounds, or more Interest or Share of the said Stock, within Ten Days after such Demand, summon and call such General Courts to be held of the Members of the.same Company qualified for Electors as aforesaid; and in Default of the said Directors, or the major Part of them, to summon and call And in Default, the said Nine Members may summon, such Court, it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Nine or tore Members, having each Five Hundred Pounds Stock as aforesaid, upon Ten Days Notice in Writing, to be fixed upon the Royal Exchange in London, to summon and hold a General Court, and there to do and dispatch any Business relating to the Government or Affairs of the said Company, and to hear and, debate any Complaint that shall be made against any Director or Directors for Mismanagement in his or their Office or Offices; and if such Director or Directors shall not clear him or themselves of such Complaint to the Satisfaction of the major Part of the Members of the same Company in the said General Court assembled, that then within Ten Days another General Court shall be called, and held as aforesaid of the Members of the same Company, qualified to vote as aforesaid, finally to determine the same by the Majority of their Votes as aforesaid,And may displace any Director for Mismanagement.who may remove or displace all or any of the said Directors for such Misdemeanors or Abuse of their Offices, and elect and chose others in his or their Room in Manner before prescribed; and in every such Case where any Director or Directors shall happen to die or be removed, or his Office shall otherwise become void before the Expiration of the Term for which he shall have been elected, the major Part of the Members of the same Company to be assembled in a General Court, and being qualified as aforesaid, shall and may elect and chose any other Member or Members of the said Company, qualified as aforesaid, into the Office of such Director or Directors that shall so die or be removed, or whose Office shall become void; which Person so to be chosen shall continue in the said Office until the next usual Time hereby appointed for Election, and until others shall be duly chosen and sworn, unless he shall be removed as aforesaid.

And, for the better ordering and managing of the Affairs of the same Company, We do by these Presents for Us, Our Heirs and Successors, grant, and We do by these Presents will, authorize, and appoint, The Directors or any Thirteen may hold act according to the Bye-Laws, and where the are wanting, shall do all the Business of the Company.That the said Directors for the Time being, or any Thirteen or more of them, shall and may from Time to Time, and at all convenient Times, assemble and meet together at any convenient Place or Places for the Direction and Management of the Affairs and Business of the same Company, and then and there to hold Courts of the Directors, for the Purpose aforesaid, and summon General Courts to meet as often as they shall see Cause; and that the said Directors, or the major Part of them so assembled, shall and may act according to such Bye-Laws, Constitutions, Orders, Rules, or Directions, as shall from Time to Time be made and given unto them by the General Court of the said Company; and in all Cases where such Bye-Laws, Constitutions, Orders, Rules, or Directions, by or from.the General Court shall be wanting, the said Directors, or the major Part of them so assembled, shall and may direct and manage all the Affairs and Business of the same Company, in the Direction of all the Voyages of or for the same Company, and the Provision of the Shipping and Merchandizes thereunto belonging, as also the Sale of the Merchandizes, Goods, and other Things returned in all or any the Voyages or Ships of or for the same Company, and in the transacting and handling of all other Matters and Things touching and concerning the-same Company; and shall and may chuse and appoint the Agents or Servants which shall from Time to Time be necessary, to be employed therein, and to allow and pay reasonable Salaries and Allowances to the said Agents and Servants respectively, and them, or any of them, from Time to Time to remove or displace as they shall see Cause, and generally to act and do in all Matters and Things whatsoever, which by the said recited Act of Parliament shall or may be done, and in all Matters and Things As they shall judge necessary. whatsoever which they shall as they shall judge necessary for the well ordering and managing of the same Company and the Affairs thereof; and to do, enjoy, perform, and execute all the Powers, Authorities, Privileges, Acts, and Things in relation to the said Company as fully, to all Intents and Purposes, as if the same were done by the whole Company, or by a General Court of the same; subject nevertheless to such Restrictions, Limitations, Rules, or Appointments as are contained in the said recited Act of Parliament, or in these Presents in that Behalf.

The General Court to make Bye-Laws, for calling in Money, making Dividends.And We do hereby for Us, Our Heirs and Successors, grant to The said English Company trading to the East Indies, That all and every the said Members qualified for Electors as aforesaid, shall have full Power, and they are hereby authorized in the General Courts or Assemblies aforesaid, by Majority of their Votes as aforesaid, to make and constitute reasonable Bye-Laws, Constitutions, Orders, and Ordinances from Time to Time, as-well for raising, and calling in and Payment of Monies for an additional Joint Stock, for the-better carrying on and managing the
