Page:A Collection of Charters and Statutes relating to the East India Company.pdf/35

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Deed of Suerender

ters, that the same may be granted to Trustees for their use in order to their being re.granted to Trustees for the Benefit of the Members of the said Old Company, in Proportion to their respective Interests.

Members of the Old Company may be admitted of the New Company for their Shares of Stock. 5. The Old Company were also directed to transfer to the respective Members of their Com­pany, their respective Shares in the capital Stock of the New Company, who were thereupon to be admitted Members of the New Company.

The Old Company to surrender their Charters before 25th of March 1709. Secuirty taken for their so doing. 6. The Old Company were to surrender to the Queen ah their Charters of Incorporation, &c. on or before the Twenty-fifth of March, 1709. And for insuring the due Performance of this Article, certain Bonds agreed to be granted by the New Company, to the Members of the Old Company, (being Part of their additional Stock of £10 per Cent, and which had been agreed to be refunded, amounting to £70,000) were made liable to Forfeiture.

Confirmation of Indemneture tripartite 7. All Covenants contained in the before Abstracted Indenture Tripartite, not altered by the Award, were adjudged to be in full Force.

The Award to be made by a Decree in Chancery 8. It was declared, that the Award should be made a Decree of the Court of Chancery, by Con­sent of both Companies.

An election of Directors for united trade, fixed for 14 April, 1709 And lastly, That the First Election of Directors for the United Companies should be made on the Fourteenth of April next. ensuing the Date of the Award.

Deed of Surrender by the Old Company to Queen Anne of their Charters, and Corpoate Capacity, dated 22nd March, 1709.

The Abstract By Deed Poll inrolled In Chancery the Old Company, in pnrsuance of Lord Godolphin's Award The Old Company surrender all their Charters and Corporate Capacitiesand for the entire Extinguishment of their Corporate Capacity granted, Surrendered, yielded,and gave up to the Queen, her Heirs and Successors, their Corporate Capacity, or Body Politick, of Governor and Company of Merchants of London trading into the East Indies, and all their Charters, Capacities, Powers, and Rights whatever, for acting as or continuing to be a Body Politick or Corporate, by Virtue of any Acts of Parliament, Letters Patent, or Charters whatever.