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50 Georgii III. Cap. vii.

Troops raised or ser­ving in any of His Ma­jesty's Provinces, &c. acting in Conjunction with His Majesty's other Forces, liable to the same Martial laws.CXI. And whereas great Mischief and Inconvenience ma}r arise if it should be doubted whe­ther Troops in Pay; raised or serving in any of His Majesty's Provinces, Governments, Colonies, Or Dominions, or in Countries, Colonies, or Places in Possession of or occupied by His Majesty's Subjects, or any Forces of His Majesty are while under the Command of any Officer having a Commission immediately from His Majesty, liable to the same Rules and Articles of War, and the same Penalties and Punishments, as His Majesty's other Forces are subject to: To prevent such Mischief, and to remove all Doubts, be it declared and enacted by the Authority aforesaid. That all Officers and Soldiers of any Troops, being mustered and in Pay, which have been or are or shall he raised or serving as aforesaid, shall at all Times and in all Places be liable to Martial Law, and Discipline, in like Manner, to all Intents and Purposes, as His Majesty's other Forces are, and shall be subject to the same Trial, Penalties, and Punishments.

This last provision has been annually renewed by the undermentioned Acts; viz.

51 Geo. III. Cap. 8, Section 112.
52 Geo. III. Cap.— — — 22, Section— — — 117.
53 Geo. III. Cap.— — — 17, Section— — — 127.
54 Geo. III. Cap.— — — 25, Section— — — 131.
55 Geo. III. Cap.— — — 20, Section— — — 131.
55 Geo, III. Cap.— — — 108, Section— — — 135.
56 Geo. III. Cap.— — — 10, Section— — — 137.

Schedules A, B, C, D, are omitted.


Oath of Allegiance, 39 Geo III. c. 109.

I A. B' being enlisted to serve, either in His Majesty's Troops, or in the Forces of the East India Company, according as His Majesty shall think fit, do swear. That I will bear true Allegiance to our Sovereign Lord King George, and that I will, as in my Duty bound, defend him in His Person, Crown, and Dignity, against all His Enemies; and that so long as I shall remain in His Majesty's Service, I will duly observe and obey His Majesty's Orders and the Orders of the Generals and Officers set Over me by His Majesty; and that if His Majesty shall please to appoint me to serve in the Forces of the United Company of Merchants of England trading to the East Indies, then I swear that I will also be true to the said United Company, and will duly observe and obey all their Orders, and the Orders of their Generals and Officers who shall, he lawfully set over me.


———— To wit,
I ———————— One of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace of ———————— certify. That ———————— aged ———— Years ———— Feet ———— Inches high, ———— Complexion, ———— Eyes, ———— Hair, cam before me at ———— on the ———— Day of ———— One thousand eight hundred and ———————— and acknowledged that he bad voluntarily inlisted himself for the Bounty of ———————— to serve either .in His Majesty's Army or in the Forces of the East India Company, according as His Majesty shall think fit to order. And I further certify, That, in my Presence, the Third and Fourth Articles of the Second Section, and the First Article of the Sixth Section of the Articles of War, against Mutiny and Desertion, were read over to him; and betook the Oath of Allegiance prescribed by the Act of 39 Geo. c. 109. to be taken instead of the Oath of Fidelity mentioned in the said Articles of War, and also the Oath above set forth; and that he; ———————— received the Sum of ———————— on being attested.